• How many skills have you achieved mastery over (99'd)? all of them
• What is the 3rd clan rule ^ ? "Do not berate Avatar Wardens for clan avatars to be located at specific places."
• What are your past clan experiences, and if any then what made you leave the last clan that you were a part of? i was in dom, but i left because i stopped playing rs for a long period.
• What do you know about the Domination clan, and what about it interests you? Good people, solid conversation.
• What are your expectations of this clan? not much i don't expect anything besides a good time
• Do you play Runescape at least 5 hours per week? Yes
* Time zone? Central
• What are some of your current in-game goals, and what motivates you to strive towards achieving them? Retrimming and 120 div. because they're nice capes to have