• How many skills have you achieved mastery over (99'd)? All skills are level 99 with the exception of Archaeology which I am currently training.
• What is the 3rd clan rule ^ ? Party hats are to be referred to as chef hats!
• What are your past clan experiences, and if any then what made you leave the last clan that you were a part of? I haven't been in a clan in a very long time. I remember being in Kia Kaha and I believe I was also in this clan at one time, as a lot of the people seem very familiar. I left clans because I took an extended break from the game.
• What do you know about the Domination clan, and what about it interests you? I honestly don't know a lot about the clan except for those 3 very important rules. I have a couple of close friends in this clan as well which I find to be important. TesLaaCoil and Pursistance talk very highly about this clan and I would like to join in on that experience.
• What are your expectations of this clan? No specific expectations, just a safe place to play with some friendly players
• Do you play Runescape at least 5 hours per week? Yes I do!
* Time zone? CT-USA
• What are some of your current in-game goals, and what motivates you to strive towards achieving them? My current in-game goals include maxing archaeology so I can return to that lovely max guild, working towards achieving the Comp and Master Quest capes, and last but not least is to expand my PvM game. I was never big on it in the past but I am really enjoying it now and I am on a mission to show all of the bosses...well who the boss is!! My only motivation for these goals is purely the fun, I am having a blast with this game again and hope to continue to do so.