2503 Total Level
10 but I'm 500k off 99 Strength
Do Not nag Wardens for Clan Avatar to be brought to a specific spot
I've been apart of a few clans over the years. The last clan I was in has stopped socializing with me for whatever reason. I also just need a change
I don't know a whole lot but you all look like great people! I love how you guys have your very own hiscores. Adds a little compeditifve fun.
Have fun. Thats what the game about isn't it? I'd like to grow as a player and maybe learn a thing or two about the game that I wouldn't have know otherwise
Yes, However I do tend to be on and off the game due to personal reasons but I always find time to play
Max Cape is my current goal (and has been for like 6 years lol) I currently have over total 260M xp. I'm also striving for Nox Bow/Staff and getting into alot of Higher level PvM hopefully in the future. I take things one at a time and try to have fun. Chat with clan mate while skilling, and not training one skill the whole day (with the exeption of slayer lol)
31-Jan-2017 06:05:09