Runescape name (RSN):
Grape Jam
Previous RSN's:
Total level:
Total xp:
~493 mill
Country and time zone:
United States, CST
Names of your other accounts (if you have them):
Goals in Runescape:
200m mining, 120 hunter
What are your favorite things to do on RS?
Training any skill that's AFK-able? :B
What are you looking for in a clan?
Friendly, welcoming, and active people.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers?
I just recently returned from a mini hiatus, so I'm planning to be fairly active in the months to come. Hopefully I'll be able to help contribute to clan xp and dish out advice where needed.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who?
Browsing through forums.
Thanks for considering!