Runescape name (RSN): Steinbreacher
Previous RSN's: Alexdub310
Total level: 2515 (2573)
Total xp: 658,513,175
Country and time zone: US, Central
Names of your other accounts (if you have them):
Goals in Runescape: Elite Completionist cape
What are you favorite things to do on RS?: Be social.
What are you looking for in a clan?: Help mostly (learning the new things) , former longterm player returning to the game working on my Divination atm, ive been gone since before it even came out!
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers?
Good player use to be really knowledgeable looking to re-become that, and a willing participant when im not at work to do clan activity's.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who?
12-Apr-2019 06:15:09