Now shoot a gun with passion and heat,
or cast one spell of the four.
It can't be controlled, so don't work for me -
you won't be hired anymore!
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Variety of skilling, minigame and PvM events.
There is something familiar about this clue,
Is it elemental, metallic or black?
A heavenly body (one of a few) -
how does it fit in its sack?
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Variety of skilling, minigame and PvM events.
Well done so far, you've worked impressively -
one final part will bring victory.
out your phrase and
it to me,
but first
it out, then
it with glee
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Variety of skilling, minigame and PvM events.