Runescape Name: Fudge G00d
Total Level: 2001
P2P Combat Level: 133
Is W112 your home world, if not will you make it your homeworld for the clan? Not at the moment but sure, I can do that.
Do you live in Australia / New Zealand? Australia.
Will you be Event Active & Clan Chat active? Sure can.
How Many events do you think you'll be able to attend a week? two or three, depending on what they are.
Will you follow all the clan rules? Sure will.
Will you follow all Jagex rules? Ofcourse, I'm not going to waste a perfectly good account.
Will you be mature enough for this clan? Ofcourse.
Who advised or refered you to this clan? Nolife Demon
What are your current goals in runescape? 70+ all, then move up.
Do you like Quests? Sadly not, if I need to do one, I'll do it.
What do you consider yourself;
A) Omniskiller (Trains all skills, skilling & combat are all averagely the same)
B) Skiller (Trains skills more than combat)
C) Killer (Trains combat more than skills)
Answer: Killer, though certain stats are higher than others. It's like 65% killer, 35% skiller.
29-Sep-2010 10:43:00