
DreamTeam - A Swedish RS Clan

Quick find code: 288-289-319-65001389



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?
response: 1784

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
response: 1 month

- How often do you play RuneScape?
response: Every day

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
response: I'm looking for a mature clan i can grow into

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
response: Yes. I know Fenrisulven

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
response: Yes. Nothing, I was in it for 7 days

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?
response: No

- What do you like to do when you are online?
response: I'm a casual player and I like to test and experience all skills and learning the game

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
response: I don't know yes. The few minigames I have done i liked. Bossing is limited to KIB and giant mole

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
response: Fenrisulven is in the clan and told me about it

- What are your current goals in game?
response: To get one skill to 99

- Do you accept the trial (9)?
response: Yes

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?
response: Yes. If you are not active in 6 months you vill be removed

04-Feb-2019 18:48:53



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Solvei är här!

- What is your total level?
xp 95,214,255 combat level 122

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
Jag har spelat i flera år.

- How often do you play RuneScape?
Spelar mest under kalla årstider, under varma gör mer annat. Spelar flera gng/veckan eller mer.

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
Ni verkar trevliga och så organiserade. Detta är ett formulär.

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
Tror inte det men det kan hända.

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
Ja. Jag trivs bäst med blandade åldersgrupper. Vill vara medlem i en vuxen klan.

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?

- What do you like to do when you are online?
Skilling/Killing/Quest/Mini allt är kul.

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
Jag saknar folk att bossing och minigame med. Jag är påläst och kan även hjälpa till.

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
Recruitment standaren

- What are your current goals in game?
Utveckla min avatar och hitta folk att dela intresset för RS med.

- Do you accept the trial (9)?

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?
Jag läste hela, långa texten.

07-Feb-2019 22:49:42

Helig Man

Helig Man

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
Har spelat till och från sen typ 2005.

- How often do you play RuneScape?
Jag spelar oftast varje dag då jag inte reser.

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
Största anledningen är att jag vill vara i en clan med svenskar som jag kan dela mina erfarenheter med, samt få tips ifrån. Och bli en del av något.

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
Jag var med i en, men den mätte inte riktigt mitt behov. Den var döende.

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?

- What do you like to do when you are online?
Jag gör olika saker hela tiden, nu det senaste har jag samlat saker för ''dxp''.

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
Kör inte bossar så ofta men absolut något jag är öppen, gillar att göra saker ihop som en grupp.

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
Google > runeclan > skafferiet > Few Fears > apply

- What are your current goals in game?
Att ha roligt och försöka ta skill capes :)

- Do you accept the trial (9)?

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?
I am a miracle :)

16-Feb-2019 22:26:32

Lullaby Rue
Jan Member 2015

Lullaby Rue

Posts: 11 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
Några år nu!

- How often do you play RuneScape?
Spelar olika mycket i perioder, spelar nog som minst under sommaren. Just nu var och varannan dag.

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
Saknar att känna att jag hör till något. En svensk klan känns närmre hem och jag är ändå alltid i world 119. Roligt att lära sig av andra och dela med sig.

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
Jag känner till Emil. Från när jag var i klanen för några år sen!

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
Ja, den senaste blev väldigt stor och det var svårt att känna någon form av samhörighet.
Dem slutade driva skilling events som jag gillade (bara pvm/raids).

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?

- What do you like to do when you are online?
Skilling, D&D / Dailies

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
Allt man kan göra tillsammans/i sällskap (Minigames, D&Ds, Skilling) förrutom PVM, combat är verkligen min svaga sida!

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
Lämnade min tidgare clan och började leta något nytt, såg att Emil var online och hade lagt en liten note på honom om DreamTeam.

- What are your current goals in game?

- Do you accept the trial (9)?
Yas, challenge accepted!

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?

05-Mar-2019 20:31:45



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?
response: 2132

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
response: Around 1 year.

- How often do you play RuneScape?
response: Every day

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
response: I'm looking for a active clan.

- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who?
response: Yes. I know RS Dawn

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
response: Yes. I was there almost from the beginning I started play RS3. The clan was very active from begin but the last months the have been inactive.

- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know?
response: Konj1212 was the first name, but later I changed to Tovar1911.

- What do you like to do when you are online?
response: I like questing.

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
response: I have boss little but not so much yet.

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
response: RS Dawn is in the clan and told me about it

- What are your current goals in game?
response: To get 406 quest points.

- Do you accept the trial (9)?
response: Yes

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?
response: Yes. If you are not active in 6 months you vill be removed

28-Mar-2019 18:39:07

Oct Member 2023


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level? 2346
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape? 13 år
- How often do you play RuneScape? varje dag
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam? Behöver en aktiv klan
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who? Icket
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them? en klan sedan tidigare. den var inte speciellt aktiv
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know? nope
- What do you like to do when you are online? Pvm,skilla.
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?) Pvming, snackande
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who? Flagga vid farmen
- What are your current goals in game? Max cape
- Do you accept the trial (9)? JA
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? JA

29-Mar-2019 17:16:36



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level?

- For how long have you been playing RuneScape?
I've had the account since around 2003, but I've played on and off. I returned to RS a few months ago.

- How often do you play RuneScape?
Usually every day.

- Why do you want to join DreamTeam?
I want to join an active Swedish Clan. It's nice to have a community to chat, and enjoy the game with.

- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them?
I have been in a few others. The last one dissolved recently.

- What do you like to do when you are online?
I like questing, slayer, doing daily challenges, sometimes bossing.

- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
I haven't done a lot of bossing, or minigames with others to be honest. I'd like to try it sometime though.

- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who?
I found the clan on this forum after doing a search.

- What are your current goals in game?
My current long term goal is max cape, and a short term one is Quest Cape.

- Do you accept the trial (9)?

- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy?

10-Apr-2019 18:22:58

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
- What is your total level? 2098
- For how long have you been playing RuneScape? 9 år
- How often do you play RuneScape? jämnt
- Why do you want to join DreamTeam? låter som en väldigt bra clan
- Do you know anyone in the Clan? Who? RS dawn
- Have you been in other clans before? Experience from them? ja sisså där har dom varit
- Have you had any other display name that might be valuable for us to know? mithdragon
- What do you like to do when you are online? spela
- How do you like to interact with other players? (Bossing, Minigames, etc?)
- How did you find our Clan? Referred by a member? If yes, who? RS dawn frågade mig
- What are your current goals in game? har roligt
- Do you accept the trial (9)? ja det är väldigt bra
- Are you familiar vith § 14 regarding our activity member policy? okey

13-Apr-2019 00:50:29

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