
---The Round Table--- Thread is locked

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Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

" Citizens of The Kingdom of Isafdar! I have a glorious announcement. It is with great pleasure that I announce that our kingdom and The Round Table are now allies! May our two nations grow and prosper together and work to fulfill both our goals ."

A great roar explodes from the crowd as cheers and praise is shouted for the alliance of these great nations.

" In good faith ," Travis Thorn continues," I proclaim the lands of Catherby, a prized fishing area, will be given to Kid Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. I hope that the new trade will prosper and be beneficial to both peoples ."

We turn and nod at one another with a smile as we sit down.
Knowing that great things are about to happen.

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12-Apr-2016 14:05:12 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:50:05 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Round Table part 2

It was announced that a journey was to be undertaken by the Queen Lorry Rayne to the Lunar Isles.
This would mean a trip through Rellekka to ride a boat to the isles.
King Kid Arthur called a meeting in the throne room to inform everyone of the upcoming events.
"My people," King Kid Arthur boomed to the crowd of his family and kingdom.." today Queen Lorry Rayne travels to Rellekka and then onto the Lunar Isles with Fierysfury and her guard to ensure that our King Arthur my father is safely settled there, Jura Mist and your elite guard will be sent to protect our Queen and Princess." King Kid Arthur paused just long enough to see faces take in the news before he had another announcement, "My people, I have another journey planned. My knights and I are heading to Miscellania after we part with the Queen and her party ."
King Kid Arthur saw an excited Spelsa jumping up and down waving her hands in the air, looked at her and sighed then spoke, "Sorry Spelsa, you're not going. You are to stay with Merlin, keep your studies up, and guard the castle with Merlin and Halfpint."
Spelsa kicked a imaginary rock on the floor in front of her, stuffed her hands in her pockets, and huffed "I s'pose so." Then grinned thinking she had gotten out of it easy, besides Rellekka was a long walk.

Jura Mist called his best men together. He addressed Vlarkin the Slayer Master, Mighty Manny the Court Jester, Psycotropy the Cook, FireMakers the Brave, Unbreakable the Brewer, and Spudders of the Taters.
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12-Apr-2016 14:05:19 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:50:38 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

"Men tonight we be on the road. Grab rations and gear. We march in ten minutes to protect the Queen and Princess all the way to the Lunar Isles. We will travel with King Kid Arthur to Rellekka."

A similar speach is going on in the King's Knights quarters. Ecentrah called, Sassy Lady the Immortal, Evig Faith the Warrior, Kia Kaha of the Islands, Hina Cuddles the Agile, Lady Storms the High Priestess, and June the Demon Killer, Get your gear and take as long as you want the boys will have to wait for us anyway." The lady knights erupted with laughter and cheers then got into gearing up.

Everyone met in the courtyard of the castle and set out for Rellekka. The two parties were fully supplied and armed to the teeth as they began their march on the road through beautiful countryside to the Fremennik Provence and the bustling town of Rellekka.
The journey was beautiful but uneventful. The entire party entered the gates of Rellekka and began heading to the docks as quietly as possible so as not to alert Brundt the Cheiftan of their presence. They knew that he would make any possible excuse for an all night party of drink and song. Brundt is known for drawn out parties and flat out guests that need days to recover from the excessive drink and food.

Queen Lorry Rayne's party headed to the sailor that handles the ship passage to the Lunar Isles. Lokar the Searunner was to ferry the party to Pirates Cove where they would complete the journey to the Lunar Isles with Captain Bently.

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12-Apr-2016 14:05:26 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:51:08 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

King Kid Arthur and his group headed to the sailor on another dock that will take them to Miscellania. Both leaders look over their respective groups, and Queen Lorry Rayne sighs, "Where is Unbreakable? Jura Mist, could you search for him please?" Jura Mist turns on his heels and just about takes a step when into view comes Brundt and Unbreakable arms draped over each other's shoulders. Both were holding massive tankards of the famous Fremennik ale, and looking very worse for wear. Other men followed them with carts of kegs of ale and tankards. King Kid Arthur licks his imaginary parched lips and mutters, "One wont hurt?" Queen Lorry Rayne rolls her eyes and silently agrees with her King without telling him, "Okay, just one." Everyone roars with cheers for the Queen as ale is poured and drunk. Unbreakable able to consume several tankards to everyone else's one.
Much hand shaking and hugs between the two royal groups and the Fremenniks go on, as farewells are said. Both parties climb aboard their ships. Ropes strain as wind fills the sails of both ships as they cut through the water to adventure!

Queen Lorry Rayne and Princess Fierysfury are on high alert as their ship stops at Pirate Cove for the transfer to the Lunar Isles. They pass the time on Captain Bently's ship talking and planning, while the men help with the sails and rigging. Captain Benty couldn't have had a better extra crew. Jura Mist and his brave warriors needed to hone their skills with ship repair, as they spent a great deal of time below the waterline repairing the hull with all its leaks.
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12-Apr-2016 14:10:20 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:51:45 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Unbreakable helped motivate the group with the secret stash of kegs of ale he obtained from Brundt, and all had a epic but mostly uneventful sea journey (other than a few sore heads from over indulgence).

Meanwhile on the other ship, King Kid Arthur was nursing a wicked hangover, and was glad there was no more ale to guzzle. Even the fine food was a little hard to eat with his stomach churning like the wild ocean all around the ship. It didn't help that his guards were arguing over repairs to clothing and exact spices to use in every meal. However, the ladies using these arguments to cover the fact that they were maintaining swords, daggers and armour. King Kid Arthur saw this, and smiled with admiration at these fighting women. He truly wondered, between him and the Queen, who had the best guards. A contest might one day be in order!
As the ship nears Miscellania, the King's guard goes silent, alert and wary of the new land they are about to step on to. Once they are ready, Ecentrah pats the King on the shoulder and says, "Sire, we are here. The Dames are ready to follow you." The King replies, "Thank you, Ecentrah. Now we march to the town!"

Back in Camelot, Spelsa screams, elemental balls of energy burst forth from her outstretched hands and her robes glow with growing energy. Before her, a bowl filled with water is boiling to all others. but to her eyes a clear picture is forming...
Merlin rushes into the room and dispels the image in the bowl with a huge crackle of magical energy. It disperses and shatters the bowl.
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12-Apr-2016 14:10:27 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:52:16 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Anger at Spelsa's use of the bowl without proper preparation and permission soon evaporates as he takes in the vision of the young girl so distraught. Merlin grabs Spelsa and orders her to stop screaming and tell him what she saw in her vision. Spelsa sobs, and with difficulty controlling her emotions tells Merlin what she saw.....
"Merlin," she says, "One of the Queens party is in mortal danger! I see him fall with all the others fighting around him."
"Who girl!" Merlin demands.
"I can't tell! The image wasn't clear enough!", she replies as she slumps to the floor.
Merlin is worried as the Queens party has no communication devices to use. He knows what must be done.

Queen Lorry Rayne's party lands at the docks of the Lunar Isles, and the party leaves the boat. They take notice of a shadowy figure following behind, dressed in the gear of a Fremennik whom they assume is just another passenger. This new man stands by the bank on Lunar Isle while the Queen and the Princess conduct business with the leaders of the Moonclan. Some of the men, growing bored of all the politics, inquire of the island's attractions. They notice a beautiful lady is tending a garden north of the town that looks as if she requires a few able bodies to help her in bringing in the crops. Miss Pauline suddenly becomes a person to get to know and chat to for the men. Jura Mist agrees that the men can go out and explore, but cautions them that they must travel in a group.

Vlarkin, Psycotropy, Firemakers, and Manny venture out to the north of the town.
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12-Apr-2016 14:10:35 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:52:57 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Unfortunatly, they become lost and find themselves surrounded by Suqah, many many Suqah! Manny the Jester is first to react as new enemy has surrounded them. Manny reaches into his Jester outfit and removes his juggling clubs, three from each pocket, and starts twirling them. He threw one from each hand, and scored knockouts with both clubs! Vlarkin removes his two handed dragon sword. As they move in his hands, it all becomes a blur of fury! Suqah die in a haze of rendered flesh and flying metal. Psycotropy is standing just behind Manny, and the cook fires off a volley of cook's knives between Manny's flying clubs. Up goes one, and then the other club is used for hitting the Suqah with deadly accuracy. Firemakers was standing near a small shed when a Suqah burst out of the scant shelter, and swung a mighty axe hitting Firemakers a deadly blow.
At that moment, in stepped the mysterious Fremennik with axes in both hands felling the Suqah that had attacked Firemakers. Before it hit the ground, the Fremennik was at Firemakers' side applying herbs and salves to try to heal the fallen warrior. By the time the others had finished killing the remaining Suqah, a massive flash erupted in the middle of the battlefield, and Merlin appeared and in a faint form, but with a blinding sheet of lightning and every form of magic swirling around him waiting to be unleashed. Runes in the magical sheet explode towards everything on the battlefield. Friends gain spells of Vengance and Heal Other, while the foes are vaporized into nothing under a barrage of all the attack spells.
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12-Apr-2016 14:10:42 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:53:27 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Merlin turns and sees Firemakers fallen body and launches the rest of the spells at the Fremennik bending over his body. Horrendous flames of all colors fly at the Fremennik and are completely absorbed into his body to Merlin's great surprise. "Absorbed maybe, but hurts like a....." Ryou mumbled, and then spoke, " Hello Father, did you really need to use ice spells/ I'm freezing now." Ignoring the comment, Merlin walked over to his son and knelt down next to the fallen body of Firemakers and sadly sighed, "He is gone."
Merlin stood and called all to gather the enemy's weapons, most notably, the great axes. The men scrambled to grab all of the axes knowing why. They would need wood, and lots of it. Trees were felled, and the wood collected in a massive pile under the supervision of the Fremenik Ryou, Merlin's son! When the pyre was completed Merlin cast a unknown spell on the wood and it floated as one huge mass in a perfect pyre, Ryou performed a slight gesture and Firemakers' body appeared on top of the pyre.

Queen Lorry Rayne, with Princess Fierysfury, and Jura Mist walked out of the meeting with the Moonclan's leader. They saw the huge magical pyre and the body it held. They weeped for the loss and for the glorious burial such a brave warrior deserved. Jura Mist was asked to light the pyre. As he fumbled though his pockets for the runes he was to use to create a fire spell, Merlin walked over to and touched him.
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12-Apr-2016 14:10:49 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:53:54 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Jura Mist felt the raw magical energy as it coursed through him, and he called upon a bright and hot fire spell which he held in his hand for just a moment before pushing it towards the magical pyre. The pyre lights with a tremendous roar. Merlin pushes Firemakers' pyre out to sea, and all watch as it disappears over the horizon. Tears reach each and every eye as Firemakers makes his final journey home.

King Kid Arthur finished up his talks with the leaders of Miscellania. With both peoples happy with the arrangement, they all wander out into the courtyard where a feast was laid out and began to eat and talk. Shouts of seeing something impossible coming ring throughout the castle, and everyone looked to the sky to see a massive funeral pyre with a mighty wizard floating beside it. "Merlin!", King Kid Arthur calls out, and Merlin floats down to the king explaining the strange and tragic events of the day. Everyone hears the conversation and all bow heads as one in respect to the fallen warrior. Merlin waves his hand at the funeral pyre, sending it out over the sea. It's flame growing stronger the further it travels away from them. Just as the pyre travels just beyond their view, a mighty boom shakes them, and a magnificent display of shooting bright balls of color erupt in all directions. Farewell brave Firemakers!

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12-Apr-2016 14:10:57 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:54:23 by Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Kid Arthur

Posts: 1,706 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

In separate places and with heavy hearts, the King and Queen decide as one that it was time to return to their home. Separate ships docked at Rellekka. The King and Queen's parties, together again, head out of town. As they travel, they recount the details of the battle on Lunar Isle. Much back slapping, hugs, and tears are exchanged as the general mood changes from one of sorrow and loss, to thoughts of glory and new adventure, Adventuring isn't the safest hobby after all.
They all arrive at Camelot, and walk through the gates into a garden of sheer beauty taking note of the one man tending the roses with love and care, Bomber the Master Gardener. As he sees the group, he nods and says, "Mernin'", and then resumes work on the roses.
A few days pass, and no one notices Bomber forming up his gardening students. They are a brutish bunch of fellows, better suited to the battlegrounds of the world than the gardens of Camelot. Special hardened men unable to use anything they don't win in battle, the Ironman Guard consists of Axax, Audrey, Atro, Giff, Dan, Ol Jack and Squishy. They all tend the gardens with Bomber, but normally carry tools and push wheelbarrows full of plants or mulch and manure for the lush gardens surrounding the castle. On this day however, Bomber has his small kit packed, very small, it consisted of a small scrap of paper with a crude drawing on it of some beast, a quill and ink and some parchment bound into a well worn book with all manners of stains on it and leaves sticking out of it.
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12-Apr-2016 14:11:04 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2018 23:54:53 by Kid Arthur

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