Runescape name (RSN): Dan RS
Previous RSN's: Roley
Total level: 2714
Total xp: 1,010,884,658
Country and time zone: England, GMT
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): Dan M 28 - on osrs
Goals in Runescape: Improve my account where possible and have a good time in doing so.
What are you favorite things to do on RS? Fishing/Woodcutting/merchanting/anything where I can chat with friends whilst skilling is always up there!
What are you looking for in a clan? Good conversation and sharing useful information between everyone.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? Active player with a wealth of knowledge dating back to 2002 on Runescape that I'm happy to share with others.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? Browsing on the Runescape Forums.
20-Nov-2018 03:28:29
- Last edited on
22-Nov-2018 01:52:57
Dan RS