
Please reconsider promos

Quick find code: 285-286-833-66292141

Douglas Pine

Douglas Pine

Posts: 633 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok, look i'm fine with the current state of the TH promos and their contents but you guys gotta realize something. What was shown and discussed for the guaranteed track was not disclosed with any additional information pertaining to the changing of their contents within the upcoming chain of christmas promos beforehand. With this being said every 100% reward track has evolved to contain objectively better loot and so therefore giving ppl incentive to use keys, however i think most players would agree that if the information was given beforehand they would not have spent their keys and saved them for the track containing gold presents. In particular my problem with this personally is I recently spent over 4400 keys on these promos and now ur telling me after the fact that there's a 100% track containing gold presents in intervals of 400???. ok so the point is i pull keys to get santa hats great. but i got 2 and if i had saved the keys i could've got 11??? 100% chance to get 11. Jagex this is absolutely predatory. the way that you presented these promo and ran key sales. Granted i'm lucky cuz i completed an offer to acquire said keys but what about everyone else with the same issue. You guys really need to rethink this or compensate for the way you've mislead consumers with your advertisement. Again originally if you look back there was a track advertised for the promo with purple presents and wrapping paper. Within that post you did not ever disclose that the contents of that track were subject to change. That is not ethical and you should not be doing that in a business for any reason. What happened with Hero Pass. Your Yanny is someone's Laurel

21-Dec-2023 19:54:29

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

Posts: 14,761 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Adarajin said :
With luck, they will count keys already redeemed...
I too am hoping for this.

However, this is not the first time Jagex changes something, and it won't be the last. To me it's akin to making a boss easier to fight or giving it guaranteed loot after thousands of players have put in many hours at the boss already - just on a shortened time scale.

Jagex did say they would be monitoring this event (albeit focusing on Black Party Hats), and that they would change the drop rates if they deem it necessary. They have also increased the rates of other holiday items in the past over time, such as the Green Santa Hat last year. It shouldn't really come as a surprise that this has happened.

My take is to learn from this event, and plan when to use your keys in the future. We knew this event would be continuing on for some time. Perhaps save them for later into the event next time.


21-Dec-2023 20:25:13

Douglas Pine

Douglas Pine

Posts: 633 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
completely agree but like i said its not the contents of the promos its the idea of the christmas seasonal promos as a chain, being disclosed as having a 100% reward track displaying purple presents and not clarifying that it was later subject to change throughout the seasonal promotions involving the usage of wrapping paper. Your Yanny is someone's Laurel

21-Dec-2023 21:10:25

Douglas Pine

Douglas Pine

Posts: 633 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I say this because this is the point in the timeline where they became at fault. they made the mistake with the santa pres track, and now its gonna be gold. guess they only want to let us know after the money has come in. merry christmas. Your Yanny is someone's Laurel

21-Dec-2023 21:13:44

Douglas Pine

Douglas Pine

Posts: 633 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
edit: redacted last post to stay on topic. ok the problem here is the powercreep and predation on the consumer concept of value, without prior disclosure and devaluing purchases within a small enough time frame to exploit and accentuate by the hype of the promotions involving wrapping paper and the big ticket item aka santa hat. there was obvious incentive to believe there was value and therefore we were mislead to believe such. If you felt misled at any point by your understanding of the value you were getting from the 100% guaranteed rewards track during this chain of promotions involving wrapping paper aka christmas seasonal promotions please dont be shy to bump or share your experience. Your Yanny is someone's Laurel

21-Dec-2023 21:25:37 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2023 00:01:43 by Douglas Pine

Mel 624
Dec Member 2021

Mel 624

Posts: 808 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cole, I know you've said elsewhere that you're not approving of what Jagex is doing but responding to people's complaints by saying it's just normal and precedented Jagex behaviour still ends up making excuses for them, intentionally or not. The example of bossing isn't equivalent because bossing isn't MTX players are spending extra money to access loot from and the changes are from content updates that are part of maintaining a game longterm, not a predatory monetization strategy being applied to a limited time event. We're talking about changing an MTX promotion while it's currently active in ways that were not advertised in the post advertising it, as well as how this affected the way people spent MTX money based on how this promotion was being advertised vs what the MTX actually ended up being.

Saying that they're monitoring the black partyhat =/= saying that they're monitoring purple santa or the entire event. Monitoring =/= changing rates and changing rates =/= adding a guaranteed method of obtaining a rare when there previously wasn't. There's also a difference between changing prizes and droprates for the presents vs changing TH rewards during a currently active promotion. These distinctions are especially important to make when this issue is about false advertising and misleading players in ways that wasted their money to Jagex's benefit.
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23-Dec-2023 06:24:36

A  Cole
Nov Member 2003

A  Cole

Posts: 14,761 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mel, I am not saying that it is good behaviour by Jagex. I am merely pointing out to players that this is how Jagex have operated game-wide for many, many years, and this time it is Treasure Hunter that is being affected.

It's more of a warning to other players that Jagex will probably do this again and again, so it's in the players best interest to avoid succumbing to these monetisation tactics. On the other hand, cash cows paying into these promotions keep the game affordable for those that don't.

This all being said, those that spent their money early got an earlier shot at the Purple Santa Hat. This is when prices tend to be highest - and now we have this updated promotion, the price of the Santa Hat has crashed. Some players will have profited from this.


23-Dec-2023 20:44:28

Douglas Pine

Douglas Pine

Posts: 633 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
we all understand that th is and has been a gamble. that is not the subject i intended to discuss what i am trying to pinpoint is the unfairness of exploiting the concept of consumer value in the guaranteed track not the contents of individual promotions. referring back to my other posts they did not specify that the guaranteed reward track aka presents and wrapping paper were subject to change or will have objectively better 100% rewards in the very near future. nor did they announce beforehand before the santa pres track was released that there would eventually be a gold present track. that is exploiting the concept of consumer value. Your Yanny is someone's Laurel

23-Dec-2023 21:28:50

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