Playing devil's advocate, one could argue that they are increasing customer value by improving what they have to offer. Some players may have felt the earlier promotion wasn't good enough to spend their keys on, therefore Jagex have improved it in order to get more players involved. It may have been a decision to do this after the original news posts went out.
The fact of the matter is, if you bought a key package and used it earlier in the promotion, you were happy to do that. If those key packages were, say, reduced in price a week later, you would not be able to get a refund as you bought them outside of the sale period.
It is unfortunate that some players do miss out. However, this could have been changed with all the best intentions.
But the end goal is for Jagex to make money, and best intentions or not, doing the changes they have in the manner they have, will have only increased their profits. If they did say that the promotions would get more generous over time earlier on, players would simply not bother with the earlier promotion, therefore Jagex may as well have skipped that one altogether.
23-Dec-2023 22:26:22