I'm not a bosser, and I have to say, I agree with this post...
QBD? I went there for the first time ever and after a few attempts to figure out what was going on, I was able to beat her the needed 5 times.
Nex - took a few attempts to figure out how to get through the first few phases, then went though at least 7-10 cycles of adds on blood phase (losing ground at least a tiny bit, if not a lot at a time on her health) before I finally teleported out.... I can understand it being easier to do a boss as a group (or not depending on the mechanics) but requiring a group to at least partially carry you to meet dps requirements? I can understand a mechanic slowing you down, or killing you if you do it wrong, but not an impossibility to keep up - we have a problem here....
Things may be looking down now, but I see a light at the end of the tunnel;
Do you think I should get off the tracks?
10-Sep-2023 05:30:52