Unfortunately they had to release the item list now as some players got a sneak peak at the skill thus found out which items would be needed.
These players were then embargoed from buying those items - meaning they couldn't buy them until either the skill was released, or the remainder of the players found out what those items were.
This is a short term peak in trading of these items. The merchants who are hoarding the items now will run out of funds in a few days, and by then it'll be too late to hoard those items. One could even argue that now is too late to start hoarding, and actually now is the time to sell.
Also, once these hoarders start to watch the videos created by those who have tried out the content already, they may start to understand that these items are not going to be required in bulk, and actually holding onto them until release day may not be the best idea.
Long story short, don't worry about it. It'll calm down sooner rather than later.
31-May-2023 14:51:42