exp for whom, pre 99's?
Well, I'm currently training cooking from 118 to 119, so I'm not objecting to the free, AFK'able XP while I get on with my day job.
~~~~ Just another victim of the ambient morality ~~~~
why do you spam playing your game with spam events
im walking in fkin circles
But you are a crab. Isn't walking in circles as good as walking sideways?
This last Easter event was quite fun and enjoyable (in my opinion), since all activities where pretty close one another, making it possible to chat and do lots of trololol'ish convos and talk about whatever subject. Yeah, maybe a large number of players were AFKing, but it's the norm nowadays and that shouldn't be a surprise. Some people are great to chat with, if you give it a chance.
So in conclusion, I don't agree with you.
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there