Quite literally, spending hours, days, weeks or months on mind numbingly tedious and boring content isn't fun, I literally have the best in slot gear after maxing out and I struggle heavily with boss fights, it isn't fun, after completing the game and having BIS minus like 1-2 upgrades ability wise you would think you would be fairly over powered, but no, then on top of struggling already, they nerf the style into the ground, none of this is fun, gaming is meant to be fun not a boring tedious grindfest of stupidity, the fact that any developer thinks this is a successful business model is an absolute joke, that's why this game is bleeding players, that's why there is no player retention, that's why they're struggling so hard to bring new players into the game, because it's extremely boring and not fun, they don't even listen to player feedback, the numbers are actually shocking so they keep raising prices because they have to ensure profit gains for investors as players leave en mass meaning prices will continue to go up as players leave to try to make up the deficit.
It's a failing business model that has been tested over multiple AAA games, the difference here is that there was at least some fun to those AAA games coupled with amazing graphics, this game doesn't have either of those things, everything is a tedious grindfest and the gameplay itself is old and clunky, the mechanics are wonky for example you surge to an area you aren't even clicking 90% of the time, the graphics compared to any AAA game are abysmal, then on top of all that, you got aggressive MTX like the AAA games, except here you're always struggling whereas when you spend money time and effort on a AAA game, you're going to become OP, here you can spend 20 years maxing and still struggle even on minor bosses, AD made that bearable but of course we can't have any fun whatsoever so nerf everything fun out of the game, I really hope you go bankrupt, you truly deserve it for this disgusting behavior.
10-Jun-2023 22:19:08