Continuing with the same behavior that has resulted in your previous locked threads, is only guaranteed to get the new threads locked as well.
@ Armadylsfury - This thread has been locked as again, you have chosen to use abusive and inappropriate language directed towards others.
Code of Conduct
- Be respectful of your fellow forumers.
- No need to flame any players, no matter your history.
- There is a difference between flaming another player and sharing your opinion on their argument. Remember to discuss the topic, not the player you're talking to
- Though swearing is tolerated, it should never be directed at another individual or group
I realize that you are frustrated with the client issues that you are experiencing. However, being abusive to those you expect to resolve the situation for you, and those trying to understand so that they can help, is not at all productive.
If you need help figuring out why you might be having issue with the client, then you are welcome to post a thread in the
Community Led Technical Support Forum
to describe the issue, what type of system you are running the game on and what you have already done to attempt to resolve the issue. However, your posts there will need to be kept calm and respectful. If you continue to post using abusive and inappropriate language, your posts will continue to be removed.