good for you with your 20 yr vet cape. if you are to going down that route. im rank 302 in dungeoneering because i did 200m dg in 2012. shortly after its release
so grats on your 20 yr vet cape. i dont see why thats relevant though
as its not to do with dg
oh no i never bought leeches, people paid me. but leeches were not a thing when it was first released they only started being a thing after people got 120. (and it was them that sold them) so its not really in the time frame that im talking about, being it was well received on release
i cant imagine wasting my money on a leech
but im not going by what i did in the game, im going by how it was received by the community. (thats why i used that word)
I didn't say that to brag. It was a bad but easy way to say I was playing the game. Probably should have said 15 year cape since the content is 12 years old.
Seems I was right about the 5:5 max teams. There are concepts called anecdotal evidence, negative bias, and rose tinted glasses.
Humans have a tendency to put there own memory as the definitive experience when human beings are terrible witnesses with easily suggestible memory. I had and do have negative experiences so I remember the release badly. You probably had a reliable group which gave you a fast and easy experience.
These are both anecdotal as neither of us actually polled a large group of people and instead just took the other biased people around us as proof.
What I do know is that people hate classic dungeoneering now. The afk dungeoneering hole won the 2019 Summer Skill Off and people can't stop talking about the hole when it's available.
11-Apr-2023 21:06:04
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11-Apr-2023 21:10:31