Is there any way the event can be polled without it being massively rigged by either those against it or for it? I can't think of how jagex can make the poll questions have restrictions on who can vote, and how the questions are worded.
what has socialism got to do with any of this? where are you getting your information from?
also pride is not a gay event. i am not gay and i support it and take part in it (outside and in game)
you mention the christmas event. should that be polled too? i do not celebrate christmas. especially in the way its portrayed in game. so yes im glad you bring up the other events.
also should we poll more events that ingame now? hannukah? ramadan? mawlid? hexennacht?
literally all of these ^^
the reason we have pride isnt to make rs gay as you think it is i guess due to the media you read / watch.
pride is about acceptance, in a world were people didnt use to accept it. (and by the voice of many still dont) which is why its more important to have pride. due to the hate they get. the numbers of young adults / teenagers that get kicked out of their homes due to something they didnt choose. (yet the anti pride say "protect the children"
its to show these people that they are welcome in our society.
so to op why spread this hate? with some weird politcal agenda twist. when you can just be about acceptance. and not hate. shows more about you than anything else
and for the ones that are reading this you are welcome.
Please remember this is a Game and we all enjoy it. Any Events put on by Jagex are for the whole Community to take part and enjoy. If you do not want to take part then that is your choice. I'm sure you can find other things to play in game while others enjoy the events.
Please don't remake this thread.
Thread locked with contents hidden to make sure it does not cause offence to the player base.
Also few of these type of threads have been locked in the past. Mod SteveW left a reply here:-
Original message details are unavailable.
I've gently closed this thread to further posting.
There is a real risk that this thread could begin to show some extremist views, people may regret their comments and casual readers might be offended along the way.
The thread is essentially a 'rant' about our desire to make the communities inclusive and welcoming, that alone is red flag. That said a few people have posted comments to offer a balanced view.
It's not my intention to stifle healthy discussion, but leaving this thread viewable but not able to be added to, seems a common sense compromise.