I thought I'd post an update on this thread, since a) the original request for the jagexappletviewer is still unfullfilled, and the request for EULA clarification has been met, and I'm very much annoyed.
Jagex updated the EULA on the 17th of May 2020. It's visible here https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/legal/eula-runescape-oldschool
They updated this with zero indication. No homepage news post. It was just dropped blindly. This is generally a scummy move. However, not even the installers for the game are updated, and they distribute the old EULA in their installer process. This is incredibly scummy, because legally, the newer EULA still applies, whilst people are only agreeing to the original release. (Although lets be honest, we all know no one's actually reading it, it's still dishonest behaviour)
However, the second new EULA, rather than actually change anything that I asked for, went out of it's way to actively spite me, and in doing so, has several stupid logical conclusions, such as running an operating system alongside RuneScape is now actually prohibbited by the EULA, which is the logical consequence of section 2.2, where software is prohibitted not by how it is actually used, but by how it can potentially be used.
Running Android/iOs/Windows/Whatever alongside RuneScape is now prohibited by it's own EULA.
Whilst I honestly believe this this leads to many conclusions that would be considered unenforcable in a court of law. It still irritates me to see Jagex even trying, because there was generally no problem with the old EULA to Jagex, and the new one offers Jagex no actual benefits, (the old can still be found here https://content.runescape.com/downloads/LICENCE.txt ).
Whilst I would like to thank Nick for actually sending the request in, I must say, Jagex is literally spitting in my face here if having seen that request, this is the response they give.
This is an abomination of stupid unnecessary legalese for no benefit, and I am disgusted with it.
16-Jun-2020 10:13:28
- Last edited on
16-Jun-2020 10:43:19