Forum mods to rule this place with an iron fist? Do the mods not see how much it deters people from posting here? Reddit & Twitter has 100x worse things posted where Jagex will actually interact with the poster. But on the forums you can't say anything outside of a PG rating or else it gets hidden.
What's the deal?
17-Aug-2023 01:59:05
- Last edited on
17-Aug-2023 02:00:03
They don't rule the place with an iron fist. If you truly wished to see an iron fist forum era go back to what people called the golden age of the forums circa 2005-2008 when people would get banned for saying things like google.
The forum rules have been truly relaxed since then. However there are still rules and a code of conduct we as players need to follow. Everything that gets actioned these days is based off of code of conduct infractions.
The F-mods are just following the framework Jagex gave them.
As to J-mod interaction, well on social media they can post and read things from anywhere at anytime. To post on the forums means they need to be in the office, that means unfortunately for us that unless they have "free time" they're busy doing their jobs. Which means were neglected. Also back in the day we had 12 forum curators. Now there might be just 1 if that and even then they admitted that they have other duties they got to get through besides the forums in their daily workload.
When the day becomes the night and the sky becomes the sea, when the clock strikes heavy and there’s no time for tea; and in our darkest hour, before my final rhyme, she will come back home to Wonderland and turn back the hands of time.
jagex have set these rules. this is there private forum, f mods are here to help that. you seem to be thinking the f mods are creating the rules. how bizzare
Yeah, looking back at how things used to be, the level of "Iron Fist" moderation has gone down exponentially when compared against the days-gone-by. You have to remember that while the forums do not have a high level of JMod engagement compared to historical time periods, they are still hosted on their site officially and what goes on here still publicly associates to the brand. As such, the forums can't be allowed to become a lawless wasteland of "anything goes".
Feedback has one place, venting opinions has another. In the thread that I suspect prompted this feedback, it doesn't look like your thoughts were silenced completely until you started flaming someone else.
If fan-operated, third party places where one can bash Jagex and their other customers is more of a persons speed and the fact that moderation on the forums deters people from posting content like that here, then so be it. If a person has an opinion, even a negative one that is shared constructively and respectfully, then by all means - post it up! There's nothing in the rules of conduct saying that the forums are only an echo chamber for kissing up and agreeing with everything, or otherwise preventing them from doing so.
Forum Code of Conduct
has also been drastically minimalized in almost every sense, including length, complexity, and regulation. The TL;DR version of today's Forum rules is basically: 1) Don't break the
Rules of RuneScape
; 2) Don't be inappropriate; and 3) Be respectful
Food scientists have finally managed to remove the mint flavor from gum! The ex-spearmint was a success!
Naaaaaa never been an Iron Fist approach to these forums for years.
You can say and post what you like really these days. Well I say what you like as long as it's within the tiny every so tiny set of Rules and Guidelines. Have you seen how small they are......
Way back when I first joined the team Wednesday May 4th 2005 10.30pm the Rules and Guidleines were massive. They were pages and pages of them (I still have copies) and you would get banned for even saying " Microsoft or Google or use bad language " even other safe sites. You got banned.
These days look at whats posted now. Links to everywhere and everything including but not limited too Discord links. The only thing really that still can't be posted is E-Mail addresses as thats still a risk.
So no idea where you got " Iron Fist " from as them days if they were a thing are way behind us back in 2005-10-ish. Were now in 2023 and can enjoy these forums so much and really let your hair down and relax. Trust Me I've let my hair down a lot more these last few years because I can and thats why I enjoy these forums so much. I refuse to use Social Media. My choice.
Also remember if Social Media is a cess pit then why should the Forums lower themselves to be the same.