Quick question to check I'm not being stupid, but I read that as being locked for discussing players use of the forums rather than the forums is that how others see it?
I did, and you can see the responses I got. To start with I don't think the mod even read the post the same way as me, and I'm of the opinion I was reading it correctly as the fmod made a deliberate decision to specify why it wasn't locked and why it was locked (why I asked on here).
I essentially asked if it was correct to lock a thread in this section for discussing a players use of the forums rather than the forums themsleves
It isn't a hard question really but as usual when they've decided to go down one route they don't stop and end up threatening you (didn't get to that point this time).
By not answering it leaves future threads at risk of being locked for discussing players use of the forums of course I'm the one that is disrupting the forums and that scenario would not disrupt them.
Had been reading the old school reddit which made me think of my post.