Don't know if you've pretty much covered this but here's some more tips on posting.
Mentioning the use of
slang text
formal text
could help people, as it's become more valid in today's internet society with people being obsessed with good grammar
Even a simple thing such as saying
to start your thread and
"Thank you for reading"
to end your thread can make you seem like a more friendly person overall.
This means people are more likely to then respond to your idea in a more
manner, whereas typing fast and
can make you look like you don't know what you're talking about and people get put off reading your thread properly, if at all.
People also need to remember not to lose their temper or have a go at someone just because they disagree with you, the best thing to do is respond in the same positive manner as you would to someone who supports your thread as everyone is entitled to their own
Title: eoc stats on 07
"it'd be soo kool if u cud have all ur eoc stats on the 2007 game cmon jagex make it happen plz i wanna play"
As opposed to,
Title: RS3 Stat Transfer Idea
"Hey there!
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could transfer our RS3 stats to the OSRS game?
Thanks for reading, feel free to post your feedback!
They're short examples but you can see which one you'd feel more obliged to reply to.
Sorry if my use of colours is wrong I'm slowly learning