Anger Alt
Every time I read this thread title I want to post "It's in community home section" lol.
Haha yeah xD I tried to take the perspective of someone trying to use the thread search as a search engine
Glad you're thinking of the link next to the CoC as well! Which reminds me, I have to update the OP with that suggestion
Mod Lyon
There's probably something better we could do with this to make it easier to find, although it's a balance of "this is the first thing you see" and "I am enjoying my forum experience without having to worry about the rules / reporting being in my face as a regular user"
This is what i like about the rules being trailed. If gives you some flexibility and freedom of speech, however it still keeps the integrity of the forums.
Clarification, what do you mean about the rules being trailed?
Can somebody help me? I got a message in the message center from mod loopey and i cant figure out how to reply. i've tried to find an email to send to, a button to reply in message center, etc.
Most forum softwares, even the really old ones, have built in reporting feature that goes to a moderator dashboard. It serves the same purpose as Forum Help but is more accessible, easier for FMods to handle, and cuts out the part of Forum Help that lets anyone see what's going on until the post is hidden. I'd like to see us move towards this if, and when, we ever get modernized forums.
Aside from that, I do agree forum help needs improved. Really, any of the ways highlighted in the OP would work wonders.
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Can somebody help me? I got a message in the message center from mod loopey and i cant figure out how to reply. i've tried to find an email to send to, a button to reply in message center, etc.
Unless the JMod asks for you to reply, you can't reply to messages in the message centre. This isn't the place to ask for help though. Looking at the type of responses Mod Loopey has made, try your issue here (
Community Led Account Help
) if you need further assistance beyond replying to a Jagex sanctioned message.
StarScape V1 - Check us out!
Anabolic Oil, confirmation of what Ollivander said in response to you
Some messages in the Message Centre don't have the Reply option at all.
Ollivander, interesting how other websites have a built-in system, and we have a flag a post option but it's for serious posts with ramifications in the real world--whether that be someone's health or the law. I wonder if that already existing system could be repurposed for reporting stuff that's on Forum Help, which someone has suggested somewhere (unsure where it is, but I know I linked to it in the OP