The show is nothing like the real life card game :p. But still a good watch.
i only catched a few moments every now and then, it looked really interesting. And i'd hope the card game is different, it'd be awesome to recreate that show though :3
Great counter for e-drags is evilswarm ophion to an extent, or use the snychro monster crimson blader, when he destroys an opp monster by battle they cant special summon level 5 or higher monsters (all e-drags are level 7 besides the baby) max C is a great card to use against them if you want to draw alot of cards ;D. But ofc e-drags can easily get rid of crimson blader and ophion with Blasters effect, many ways to get out of those locks. Harpies i hear are supossed to be good, i played a few harpie decks on YGO and they did pretty well could get first turn draco sack rather easy or big eye, but big eye is more situational use then just to just bam summon for no reason.
thx, and btw i have crimson blader so i should be fine. and is it possible that harpies will become a metagame deck anytime soon? like in the next format? also if i have divine wrath ready on the field, blaster wouldnt stand a chance, but then i have to make sure i have a card in my hand to use it. like ive said in this thread b4 ive never played against e-drags, im going to have to take an outlook at some other locals. at 2 of the locals i go to all they play are mermails evilswarms windups and inzektors+ dark worlds and lighsworns. few gadgets and geargias, but no e drags
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.
Every time i go to my local tournaments i go 2 wins 1 lose, it appears im not destined to go 3 wins 0 loses :'c
at 1 local they have 4 matches. i usually 2 out of 4 mainly because alot of the other decks trample mine+ mermails completely annihilate me. ive only taken them down once because i had the traps i need+ summoned destiny hero plasma to absorb abyssgaios.
Don't let your memes be wands, or your dreams be steel beams.
Haven't played Yugioh since like.. 2000-2002 or so, not sure exactly. Never played Pokemon back then, but recently I attend the odd Pre-release tournament. Pokemon has prettier artwork therefore it is better.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Every time i go to my local tournaments i go 2 wins 1 lose, it appears im not destined to go 3 wins 0 loses :'c
at 1 local they have 4 matches. i usually 2 out of 4 mainly because alot of the other decks trample mine+ mermails completely annihilate me. ive only taken them down once because i had the traps i need+ summoned destiny hero plasma to absorb abyssgaios.
My dark deck fairs decently against them.
03-Jun-2013 04:47:52
- Last edited on
03-Jun-2013 04:48:02
Does Yugioh have rotations at all? Like with the Pokemon TCG, the only cards allowed in real tournaments are the ones from X-set onward, it's usually changed once every 2 years, most recently September 2012.
A friend who collects MTG said they have 3 different formats, one being a bit like Pokemon, one being any card from any era, and I forget the 3rd.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Does Yugioh have rotations at all?
kind of, we get an update to the forbidden list every march/september and a few cards either get changed from 0-3 (forbidden, limited, semi-limited, unlimited) copies per deck.
It depends how good the card is harpie's feather duster for example was in the first group of cards to be forbidden back in 2004 and has never come off the list since.
It keeps the game fresh and stops one/first turn kill decks.