Back in my day someone had to run all the planks....
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
we had cool gnome copters so we could fly around lumbridge
we didn't have bonfires so i did firemaking till the ge...for 3...months! maples were burnt.
didn't have ivy either so i woodcutted until 99. mostly maples..willows
a 99 was uncommon
a level 126 was the sht! (especially in world 141 for clan wars)
not any boots but coloured boots (yellow/gold) colour was our way of customisation! (for members)
there once was a phone line for rs members...roughly being about £7!! when the going memb was £3.20. it was automated and took about 3-4 mins but i was a kid and rs was love
everyone would talk. mostly. now it seems hush hush cos xp waste
1 99 was great 3-5+ was good but 7+ was considered ungodly and honestly at the time i couldn't even predict there would once be a max cape but apparently it's deemed nooby now and now comp/trim/towards all 120's are the sht lol
17-Jun-2015 06:56:43
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17-Jun-2015 06:58:17
Dark Moltres
Back in my day ... I would train firemaking with willow logs in the east bank of falador in w1 (which was f2p back then).
The reason I did this in falador was so i'd never miss a drop party given in the party room