Refreshing your world list page to see the rare moment of <2K people on World 2, just so you could get to the login page to spam click login until you got lucky
Merching (more like flipping) in World 2 Falador Park
Durial321 end of the world/Armageddon jokes
DD in deep wildy to world hop with your fc "clan"
Kids Ranqe & Elvemage and kids trying to make pures like they did
FC clans going to war in the TzHaar Fight Pits. I remember once afking an entire round with full guthans (went to go poop or something) and ended up winning the game from auto retaliate.
Dragon Chainbody hunting from Dust Devils
Spelling out "Fuck" like "Fucl{" and getting muted
It's about the real value of a real education,
which has almost nothing to do with knowledge, but everything to do with simple awareness.
Taxi-ing: when you follow another player for transportation to a town.
instead of
Calling something
. "Dude, your gear is mint!"
instead of
99 Parties
Following famous people
Teabag that ho guy
Other youtube stars
RS Gathering
"Zezima wanted to name is newborn son 'Paul', but that name was already taken."