Capricornio, Slayer 120 will be a thing in a few month and it will be a requirement for Comp Cape. Knowing this, I already did Slayer 120 about a month ago. With Charms collected via Slayer I almost got Sum 120 last Double XP Weekend. Yes, almost. I only collected Blue Charms for whatever reason. Now i'm daily collecting about 200 Crimson Charms until I have 8000 needed for Sum 120 via next Double XP Weekend.
I also do, or try to do, one reaper task per day cause if you have done 200 you unlock a cool Death pet. Really recommendable. PLUS nice Slayer XP which helps if you go for 120/want to keep your Comp.
I also do Guthix Cache twice a day so im slowly going for Div 200M Xp (will be done by approx end of this year).
After having done Guthix Cache twice, Soul Reaper Task, collected my daily approx 200 Crimson Charms, Daily "Challenge" Task (which is Crafting for me) and collecting my daily at the Motherload thing at Meilyr Dungeon, i switch to OSRS where I just do Rooftop Agility which I adore.
When i will be done with all this (knowing Jagex + 30 new comp/trim reqs because of Menaphos) i will probably just do one hour of nature runes with my Desert Aura 10% XP Boost on. But till that time comes it is probably 2018 and Desert Aura won't work anymore.
Hope i could help!
28-May-2017 14:59:54