There is nothing more to discuss here, all bots are in denial and never admit to what they do so what's the point keep replying to your posts that are filled with rage and lies? There isn't.
I just walked in on this convo, and I don't care whether you have used a bot or not because there are many in this forum that have, here is a prime example:
You're using all the wrong arguments (such as, "why am I still here"
, and getting overly upset about it. Better if you had stayed calm, because in all honesty, it doesn't really matter what people think, only yourself. If you are innocent, then that should be good enough for yourself.
And a word of advice, associating yourself with botters will get you in trouble. You don't need to go on bot forums and post to figure out rsns of botters, because more likely than not, Jagex will do nothing with the names anyway.