Current weight: 154 lbs so only down 6 more (166lbs total) since the last update which was Thanksgiving. That is incredibly slow progress but I just survived a record breaking cold winter. I basically just staid inside with a sleeping bag under my sheets and 4 blankets inside my sleeping bag. It was a hell of a shock to have my first winter 166 pounds lighter be one of the coldest on record.
So I didn't go to the gym and I ate like crazy because my body was always hungry trying to keep itself warm. This winter legit almost killed me.
Anyways I cut my own hair and for the first time I think I did a decent job at it. I like cutting my own hair because it just feels right looking after yourself and not needing someone else to do it.
tl;dr down 166 pounds total and cut my own hair #yoloswag
18-Mar-2015 13:14:37