Hello Warlock!
First of all, thank you for your post and overall care about the HLF.
I've been the curator of the HLF for nearly 3 years now and I've been a member of the HLF for over 5 now (on my personal account).
Personally, I've always loved the HLF, that's why I asked to become the curator. I've seen what the HLF can be and I've always done my best to try to make this forum section a respectable, helpful and kind place. When I took it over, it had been 6 months without a curator and the place looked worst than Falador during the Fally Massacre. There were spam posts everywhere, 'trolls' everywhere and no warnings were ever given out. I'm glad to say that it's no longer like that and that since I took it over it's a much better environment. With things like the strike system in place, removing some of the trolls, and actively being here monitoring and helping out, the HLF is doing very well.
Regarding your post, yes as of recent I've been locking a lot of threads and mainly posting locked messages. I haven't been engaging much due to the fact that I have other responsibilities that I need to take care of on top of the HLF within my job. With that being said, that's no excuse for the lack of posting and I personally apologize. However, the things that people don't see on the surface are the e-mails that I send to the correct teams about the feedback that you post here. If there is ever any good feedback posted on the RS Feedback section, I forward it in to the right people. I've constantly been doing that since I took over the HLF. A lot of the ideas or feedback that has been posted on here (ninja team and patch worthy things) were because of the HLF and because it was brought to light and shared with other J-Mods by myself and others. Even though I'm not actively posting on these wonderful feedback threads or discussions, doesn't mean that I'm not here or doing anything about them.
Also piggy-backing off of that, there needs to be
trolls and
posts like the ones that you linked in this post. I don't know how long you've been on the HLF but the posts that are put on here (Troll/Not RS Discussion threads:Informative threads) is about 8:1. It always has been too, except for the very early days of the HLF. That's because every year, the number of members on the HLF drastically increases. We have over 15k players with HLF access, maybe even near 20k now. It's easy to engage with every post and thread when there's only 1k members on the HLF, and I'm not sure how many members there are on the CLF but it's not the easiest thing to keep up with while you're trying to clean up all of the other threads. Some of the good ones slip through the cracks when there's full pages of spam.
In 2016, I'll be posting an official thread on the HLF in the RS Discussion section after every update. It will be the designated place for everyone to discuss the new update and give any feedback on it. That way, all of the ideas and the feedback are in one location and I can engage with everyone about it as well as forward your feedback to the appropriate people. I was supposed to start this "Update Discussion" thread idea in December but because of other priorities and many CM activities, I decided to start it up in January of 2016. Hopefully the start of these threads will make it more apparent that you're all being heard and have a direct place to discuss things with a J-Mod.
Overall, I haven't 'given up' on the HLF, I never have and never will. I do however, need all of your help as well to make this a better place. Like I said, it's hard to engage with all of you if there are full pages of spam threads that I need to lock and I'm not able to see these helpful threads that deserve J-Mod attention. In 2016, I promise to be more apparent on the HLF and post more instead of doing all of my help behind the scenes. My goal when I became the curator was to always discuss things here with all of you and make sure that you knew that you were being heard. I'm here to bridge the gap between the players and Jagex and in 2016 I'll make sure that I'm more visible and that rings true. Being the High Level Community, and myself being a part of that community as well, you deserve attention from J-Mods.
I hope you all have a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year and in 2016 we'll make the HLF great again.
23-Dec-2015 06:53:14
- Last edited on
23-Dec-2015 06:56:37
Mod Lee