Where do I find that download Rowley?
Uhh.... I'm not too sure. They seem to have removed the option to download it o.O
There's a beta version, here, - There used to just be a button to switch to 64bit but I guess that was removed..
As for dual monitors, it's not RAM you should be worried about, it's the vRAM of your graphics card. I think the general consensus is 1gb per 1080p monitor, or at least that's what it was a year or two ago. Most GPUs come with 3/4gb of vRAM now which is more than enough for triple monitors.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Ahh I only have a 2gb graphics card,makes since with 2 monitors..I think I should just stick to one.. Maybe thats why I screwed something up..When I first got the computer, I was using 2 monitors,and honestly i dont think I configured them properly..
New desktop wallpaper (hid icons cus desktop is rly fucking messy atm)
Had to edit it a bit so the wall was in-between the monitors.
I won, posted on page before.
I have icons hidden checked off on mine, but I don't actually have any icons on it except for the recycling bin and I have that on a toolbar. I've always been really over the top with OCD stuff, everything is always positioned constantly until it's just right. I spent like 2 hours cleaning and organizing everything on desktop/taskbar to shape, size, use, color, and position until it quit bugging me. It's pretty bad.
05-Mar-2015 22:03:31
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05-Mar-2015 22:24:53
Ahh I only have a 2gb graphics card,makes since with 2 monitors..I think I should just stick to one.. Maybe thats why I screwed something up..When I first got the computer, I was using 2 monitors,and honestly i dont think I configured them properly..
New desktop wallpaper (hid icons cus desktop is rly fucking messy atm)
Had to edit it a bit so the wall was in-between the monitors.
I won, posted on page before.
I have icons hidden checked off on mine, but I don't actually have any icons on it except for the recycling bin and I have that on a toolbar. I've always been really over the top with OCD stuff, everything is always positioned constantly until it's just right. I spent like 2 hours cleaning and organizing everything on desktop/taskbar to shape, size, use, color, and position until it quit bugging me. It's pretty bad.
I got the idea from somewhere, I didn't know it was from you
I remember seeing it a while back too, thought it was pretty cool.
Nah it looked like yours when i started messing with it, I think you just have a different version of it because there's different rubble on yours. I have a tendency to tinker with a bunch of different effects if I think a picture is too flat looking.
Here's just the picture itself it you want, I'm sure you can add the door strip back in if you really want to.
05-Mar-2015 23:28:38
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05-Mar-2015 23:46:19
@Rowley I think my RAM is just bad, I get random drop time and things randomly freeze but not often,only when i'm doing multiple things IE Malwarebytes Scan,Youtube Video,and RuneScape/OldSchool RS all at once.