Here's my real response since last night was just quickfire.
I do mind about students' success in the universities. Most, if not all, universities policy on plagiarism is very extreme on the punishment part. Nothing we can do about their polices, but you as a professor - you can actually take matters into your own hands (after all, the universities depend on professors themselves to report cases.)
I liked reading Froud's post. It's a nice suggestion, you could call out the student (sounds like your nature to call out people
) in front of the class to embarrass the student.
Additionally, you can have mercy. You would approach the student saying that his paper is an F (ZERO) because of plagiarism. But you can offer him a chance to rewrite the paper for one letter grade deduction (apply your late homework policy here e.g. deduct X amount of letter grades for X amount of days late.)
It's probably just better to fail a student for your class than to expel him from university entirely. A failed class will definitely hurt GPA big time, so I think that's good enough - or force the student to drop out, which is also good enough too.
I had experience with TurnItIn or something along that word. It's actually accurate. I don't understand how students may feel stressed about that. If you actually write on your own, none of your own words will be flagged as possible plagiarism. Only reason why I got 1-2% score on TurnItIn is because I used quotes from a source.
If anything to sooth stress, you could announce to the class that if a score is over 10%, you'd personally check it out to make sure it's not plagiarism e.g. this student simply used a lot of quotes which is a valid way of writing a paper.