How important do you think is the truth?
i think the truth is subjectively useful, i dont really believe that its important in all situations, i will either give someone a misdirective answer or straight up lie to them about the actions or beliefes of dead people to make them happier, but theres other situations, its just the simpelst to say
How do you determine if something is "true"?
i would say that people accept what they want to hear as the 'truth'
i would however also say that what is and isnt true is subjective, i do not think its as simple as something is or isnt true in all situations
Generally, why do people lie?
weather it be to copy there parents, a compulsion, to save somebodys feelings, i do not think there is one specific reason that people lie
in regards to this set of questions i think there is an incredibly amount of grey, humans arent simple enough to quantify in 100%
On receiving information:
How much of the information you hear and see would you consider to be truthful?
it depends on who im talking to and whos version of truth we are talking about, heres one that comes up a lot with my best friend
'how are you feeling?'
'i am fine'
'you are lying'
'no, i am just how i define fine'
'then how you define fine is wrong'
does this mean they are lying or are they just using a differnet type of truth to me? think a better question would be 'how often do you think people are honest with you?' and i would say about 30% of the time, but this is based on how i think honesty and truth are defined in regards to me
If you are exposed to misinformation, how do you handle it?
it depends on the other information available, i have been exposed to misinformation before, its nothing new, but theres no reason to get upset by it, in a lot of cases this can actually be the goal, to cause a reaction or make somebody upset, why give them it?
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