J - Jellybean flavour? Black Licorice
A - Available? Nope.
Y - Your last time you cried? Month ago
N - Number of siblings? None.
E - Easiest person to talk to? Yes
L - Longest friendship? 8 years
L - Longest friendship? 8 years.
E - Easiest person to talk to? Yes
A - Available? Nope. Single and staying that way by my own choice.
N - Number of siblings? Depends on who you ask. If you ask me, one. If you ask my parents, two. I ... don't get along with one of them.
A - answered already.
V - Very best friend? If you mean in real life... well, let's just say I'm kinda playing on Ironman mode.
I - Ice cream flavor? Vanilla.
A - answered already.
N - answered already.
S - Song I last sung? I don't sing.
I - answered already.
E - Easiest person to talk to? I still haven't figured this one out.
J - Jellybean flavour? Banana
A - Available? Nope
M - Milkshake flavour? Vanilla
I - Ice cream flavour? - Girl Scout Cookie Samoas (omg)
E - Easiest person to talk to? There's like a handful but I'll say my boyfriend ^^
N - Number of siblings? 1
O - One wish? freedom
S - Song I last sung? black dahlia murder - phanttom limb masturbation
W - Which celebrity I’d marry? emma stone
R - Reason to smile? metal
D - Drink you last had? coke and rum
Old School