B - Birthday? 11th of July.
O - One wish? Professional Cricketer.
B - Birthday? 11th of July.
H - Hot chocolate, tea, or coffee? Coffee in the morning.
A - Available? Yes.
Z - Zodiac sign? Cancer.
K - Killed someone?
I - Ice cream flavour?
M - Milkshake flavour?
M - Milkshake flavour?
Still chocolate..
Y - Your last time you cried?
Couple of weeks ago
M - Milkshake flavour? - Vanilla
E - Easiest person to talk to? - Mum
S - Song I last sung? - 12 days of Christmas
S - Song I last sung? - still 12 days of Christmas.
Y - Your last time you cried? - can't remember.
C - A girl in one of my labs :~)
O - Motivation to do things I don't want to do but have to do.
L - 13 years and still going.
E - My mom is really easy to talk to actually.
W - Emma Watson.
A - Available? Yes
L - Longest friendship? Probably one from kindergarten to mid-primary school.
A - Available? Yes
S - Song I last sung? Hah this is going to be random, but the R Kelly lines off that South Park episode...I was bored - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMSNiOt8NII
K - Killed someone? Only in-game
A - Available? Yes...stop asking -.-
And to protect the Stone until such a time as, near to death, whereby you are relieved of all duties and shall henceforth be returned to your home plane with the gratitude and blessings of Guthix.