The last console I bought was the Wii and I had all the big name titles (SSBM, Twilight Princess, Skyword Sword, Mario Kart, etc). I didn't feel like spending so much for the Wii U and still don't like the idea of playing with the weird clunky game pad, I still think the Gamecube controllers are the best ones Nintendo ever made.
Gotta try save up for Christmas so I can buy an Xbox One and Halo 5.
I completely splurged and bought myself an xbo1 and above average gaming computer, I'm so screwed lol. Going to be paying off credit for a while!!
I missed a vacation to Florida... so I got frustrated and bought some things.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
any1 play maylay or pee emm
Living Soul
Omg yes perfect thread to see right now... I've been considering buying either an xbox one or ps4 to play Black Ops 3 on. WHICH DO I CHOOSE?
I personally feel like Xbox controller's are better for shooters and in general has more exclusives worth playing (even though you might not be into them right now), Halo, Gears of War, Crackdown, and I'm definitely leaving out one big title I can't think of right now
It's all personal preference though, but above are my reasons. I prefer shooters on my xbox
Xbox one is backwards compatible now, so the only negative I can find is that you'd just rather have a PS4.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"