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There's a hidden cat face within the background of the Adventurer's Log.
Easter egg revealed.
Did you just sticky this?
Don't get me wrong, I thank you for that because I love this extension, but you - as a J Mod - are indirectly admitting the design your co-workers created is bad. You're giving the company you work for a bad image by promoting third party software that completely reverts an update like this.
I'm not indirectly or directly admitting that anything my colleagues created was bad. That's like saying that Jagex bringing back 2007scape is indirectly admitting that RS3 was bad. Some players may prefer 2007scape so they gave those players the option to play that version of the game.
That is why I stickied this. To allow players to have the option to change the way their Adventurer's Log looks and to aware players that this exists.
23-Sep-2013 14:44:02