Okay since there seems to be a few people asking, I'll answer to how I get the friends list.
But you should know better as to ask.
Friends list can only be accessed from your logged in account. So that means if you're logged into the website, you can access via the alog.
But alog is a pain, not fast and there are pages to iterate through. So I go to where the alog get it's data. Asking nicely doesn't work though, because I'm not you and linkify can only run on the forums, not on other parts of site due to my security policy.
So Linkify looks to see if you have a forum page open, if so it grabs your session ID.
Then linkify's setting page (You see the setting page cant interact with rs pages cos it's not the same domain) send a message to the background processes, who then sends a message to linkify in the scope of the page you have open. This message is instructions to inject a script (ajax) into the current page along with session ID. Request from non RS pages are rejected.
This process now happens within the scope of the page you're logged in to. Meaning RS website sees you ID and sees the request is from a RS page.
As the script retrieves the data, it sends a message back with an array of names. The options page collects the data bit by bit. If there is an error the injected script will gather some info on what happened, then send a message saying something went wrong.
If it's success a final message is sent, so the options page can stop listening. Then regardless of success or fail, the last part of script calls (NOOP) a function to rename itself to nothing, so it can't ever run again and so multiple instances can't run at the same time
Finally the options page (who can't talk to RS website) has either a list of names or stack of errors to process
So there you go, the beauty of it is in it's simplicity
Oh btw (and most of you should know this) my friends have a saying...
Don't ask Indy, because she'll tell you!
22-Mar-2015 02:20:18
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22-Mar-2015 02:54:27
Indecent Act
Ironically, this post is literally the only one I've seen work.
All the others are like this.
Idk what you did to that particular post but yeah. My settings are 100% saved, I even rechecked them when I came back on forums.
Under Colours (you):
I have everything enabled
Under Colours (others):
I have all except Post Borders enabled.
As you can see the text isn't yellow even though it's set to be. When I hover over the thread link the last posted name "by ----" highlights yellow. Author doesn't even turn yellow on highlight.
22-Mar-2015 02:21:37
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22-Mar-2015 02:34:49
....You have to add names individually on quoting and the thread names?
If so, is there no way to let it just change the color as a whole rather than by name, at least for threads links? I wanted to turn them yellow because I have a really hard time seeing the current colors they chose, they blend together way too much.
22-Mar-2015 02:32:49
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22-Mar-2015 02:36:32
I get it now... just wish i could change the color entirely.
I guess it's working as intended.
I guess I just kind of passed up that part on Linkify before because I never had problems reading it. Now that it's an issue I'm just now using it, or at least was going to. :S
It doesn't really help me any unless you have some sort of super list of all forum users that I can copy/paste. XD
22-Mar-2015 02:37:52
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22-Mar-2015 02:44:34
I get it now... just wish i could change the color entirely.
I guess it's working as intended.
I guess I just kind of passed up that part on Linkify before because I never had problems reading it. Now that it's an issue I'm just now using it, or at least was. :S It doesn't really help me any unless you have a super list of all forum users that I can copy/paste.
I asked for this a few posts back. See, Indy? The demand has literally doubled.
I get it now... just wish i could change the color entirely.
I guess it's working as intended.
I guess I just kind of passed up that part on Linkify before because I never had problems reading it. Now that it's an issue I'm just now using it, or at least was. :S It doesn't really help me any unless you have a super list of all forum users that I can copy/paste.
I asked for this a few posts back. See, Indy? The demand has literally doubled.
I mean it's not really that, it was just misinterpreted by me. I was under the assumption that "others" meant everyone else, which you could enable new colors or leave it disabled. Then the friends/clan lists were kind of like exceptions to the 'others' list if prompted. I didn't notice that 'others' had a list you had to add to, too, though.
22-Mar-2015 02:53:05
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22-Mar-2015 02:56:33
Forums looking nice with a splash of colour that isn't blue
Thanks Indy
E: Sorry if mentioned already (too many pages for me to want to read atm..)
I refreshed another forum page at the same time as refreshing the Linkify page and the post background image got pasted onto the other page too:
Selective Completionist
22-Mar-2015 03:34:39
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22-Mar-2015 03:53:41