Would adding a "view" count to threads be possible? I've always loved to see how many views my threads are getting even if no one is posting, as it at least shows the thread is getting read/viewed.
@Hardstylez, one problem is it'll only be views from RS-Linkify users. I agree it would be nice to see thread views, but that's really something that needs to be done from the server.
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P.S. Loving the new quote icon! http://puu.sh/4vp0W/e5c72b9e65.png
Was long overdue, and it was annoying me having the wrong icon on the button. But it's not just the icon that has changed, quoting has changed a little too. Avatar codes will no longer appear in quotes.
Thanks for your nice avatar editing skills too
(*Actually thinks I did a good job in paint this time*)
I was thinking about some.. "Programmable buttons" for the forums, to easily store things like a link, or a QFC, or really anything the user (or you) wanted
And like the search threads/users/wiki thing earlier on, I found some dead space for some buttons!
Clicking the button could paste whatever is stored in that button into the quick reply box, or if it's a QFC, could navigate to that thread, in a new window?
Or you could do some moving around, like...
Just more ideas to play around with, I'm sure you have enough on your plate, just putting things out as I think of them
I never thanked you for this legen-... wait for it... -dary legendary extension!
I absolutely love it and this thread and everything you are doing the community! It makes the forum experience a ton better and I miss it whenever I view the forums from my phone.
I don't know if this has been asked before but would it be possible to have a little indicator if there was a Jmod post somewhere in the thread? It could be a small gold crown or something right next to the number of posts. Maybe something kinda like this crudely thrown together image.
I personally would read practically any thread a Jmod posts in and I feel others would as well.