(I know OP may know this, but for any who don't, this may clarify a few of the sub-questions):
Mod Timbo
If you decide to fight with a friend against Araxxor, that will have an impact on your chances at loot although both players do have a chance at obtaining unique loot. Here are the differences:
Fighting Araxxor SOLO
1/120 chance at a weapon component (Araxxi's Fang, Web or Eye)
1/40chance at a leg piece (Top, Middle or Bottom)
Fighting Araxxor DUO
1/200 chance at a weapon component (Araxxi's Fang, Web or Eye)
1/70 chance at a leg piece (Top, Middle or Bottom)
Which component or leg piece you obtain depends on a number of factors. What type of component you get can depend on what combat style of Araxxor you're fighting. You have a 1/2 chance of getting the same component style of the boss type you're fighting. For example, if you're fighting a Magic-style Araxxor then you have a 50% chance to get an Araxxi's Eye if you get a component.
If you fail this roll then you have a 50/50 chance to obtain one of the other styles. Following this example, if we failed the chance to the Araxxi's Eye from the Magic-style Araxxor then you have a 50/50 chance to get either Araxxi's Web or Araxxi's Fang.
What leg piece you get depends on what path you fight Araxxor down. Fighting Araxxor down path 1 will get you a chance at Spider leg top, path 2 a chance at Spider leg middle and down path 3 a chance at Spider leg bottom.
Araxyte pheromones work in a slightly different way in their drop chance is effected by Araxxor's current enrage. The higher the enrage, the greater chance at obtaining an Araxyre pheromone. Araxxor's current enrage has no impact on the common or unique drop tables however.
1/50 base chance to obtain an Araxyte pheromone at 0% enrage
1/(50-(Current Enrage / 20)) meaning that at 300% enrage you have a 1/35 chance at obtaining an Araxyte pheromone.
Chee arra
I'm curious because I think this is a little dry but if you get a hilt piece does that remove your chance of getting a leg piece? I have 2 leg pieces at 164 KC but I also have 2 hilts so I'm wondering if it's still considered going 'dry' since they're 1/39 with LotD. I think I should have 4 if that's the case?
Legs are a separate roll, you either get them or you don't. You won't get trisk keys instead of legs.
all special drops are separate
one guy got leg part, hilt, pheromone + pet + regular drop all in one kill/loot
120 kills should get you 3 legs and a hilt, i.e 1 full weapon and 2-3 pheromones
28-Dec-2017 22:11:26
- Last edited on
28-Dec-2017 22:13:33
Round down and assume it's 99% chance of a leg in 400 kills. Let's say 10000 people do 400 kills around the same time. 100 of those people will therefore go dry. Multiply these small percentages by the large number of people doing the boss and it doesn't seem as small.
The only place you can see if the extra chance of the ring helped with your drop or if you would have gotten it regardless is telos, but the ring works differently there.