
HLF Guidelines & Strike System Thread is sticky

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Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Welcome to the High Level Forums!

This is a forum for people like you, who have achieved at least level 99 in all of RuneScape's skills. The HLF is a place for you to share your wisdom, your opinions, your positive feedback and your suggestions with the High Level Community and Jagex Moderators. There are no specific rules, just guidelines that you - the player, should understand and follow.

The Guidelines

The High Level forums is more lenient and laid back - we don't mind the posting of links to articles or pictures, occasional swear words, and open banter about things within RuneScape! We trust that our High level Community will be mature and treat the High level Forums as an honor to be a part of.

With that in mind, there are just 5 things to remember:

1. Offensive/hurtful language is not ok .

Using a swear word in your post or thread is okay as long as it's not directed towards another player. If it's just a swear word used for enhancing a sentence or as a statement, then that's okay. The same rules that apply in-game with the profanity filter apply on the HLF.

We will use our judgment in cases of occasional bad language, but do not take this as a mandate to post inappropriate language within the HLF.

Any offensive language or hate speech directed at another member of the community or a Jagex Moderator will result in a “strike”, leading into a permanent ban for repeat offenses.

2. Attacking/flaming/accusing your fellow players and J-Mods is not ok . We do not tolerate "naming and shaming" or harassment.

Unfortunately we cannot accept screenshots or verbal reports of rule breaking as evidence, and as such, do not allow the 'naming and shaming' of other players within the HLF.

If there is ever a problem with a player (e.g. You’ve been scammed by a player, lured by a player, or someone has done something against the rules) report them in-game and send in a ticket. Do not post about it on the forums or you will receive a “strike”.

3. Posting links to offensive/harmful content and derailing threads is not ok .

If you post a picture of any; pornography, links to malicious/inappropriate sites or talk about hacking and DDoS'ing another player, it will result in a permanent forum ban and additional action. We do not tolerate any of these things.

If you purposely derail a thread by arguing with another player or posting about something that is not relevant to the main topic of the thread, it will be reviewed by a J-Mod. If it's a serious problem, it will result in a “strike”, leading into a permanent ban for repeat offenses.

4. Ranting/making demands regarding content is counter-productive – use the general Rants forum instead.

Note that constructive negative feedback is not the same as ranting! A clear and concise breakdown of your specific dislikes is always valuable to our content teams. We encourage players to supply feedback, whether it's positive or negative, so that we can understand if we're doing something right and also to grasp something that may be a problem and potentially fix that problem.

An example of ranting: "This update sucks, I hate it. What were they thinking? I'm going to quit - riot w66 Fally square!"
-This form of ranting isn't allowed on the general Rants forum either, if you are going to post there - make sure you read the rules of that forum section. This is just an exaggerated example of a rant.

An example of constructive negative feedback: "I don't like the "x" update because it has nothing to do with RuneScape, it was something that we necessarily didn't need and it wasn't rewarding. I personally didn't like the "a" "b" and "c" parts of this update and I feel that something like "w" would have been better. What do you all think?"

5. Disagreeing with Jagex or your fellow players and sharing your opinion in a respectful manner is absolutely fine!

This is the "High Level Forums" meaning that the player has achieved 99 in every skill to be here. A player's post should not be taken less seriously depending on when they maxed out or how new they are to the forums. If someone newly maxed or a veteran posts a good suggestion it should be acknowledged. Likewise, if someone newly maxed or a veteran posts a bad suggestion it should be acknowledged as well. There should be no discrimination towards someone’s post because of when they’ve maxed. Everyone's opinion matters and no one's opinion is better than someone else's. Treat others how you would like to be treated and realize that the player behind the character has feelings and deserves just as much of a voice as you do here. You can disagree with someone's idea or suggestion but you shouldn't be judging someone's post, attacking or harassing a player because of; when they achieved 99 in every skill, how much overall experience they have or because of their race, gender or religion.

With that being said, we hope you understand these guidelines and take them into consideration when posting on the High Level Forums. Have fun !

12-Nov-2013 19:42:24 - Last edited on 15-Nov-2013 20:01:50 by Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
The HLF Strike System

With the addition of the new guidelines, the Strike System is now being implemented!

When a player steps out of line from the HLF Guidelines they will receive a strike.

Giving out a strike won't be the first option when dealing with a situation. I'm not just going to evaluate a situation and warrant someone with a strike. If the situation can be resolved by talking with the players about it, then that's what I'll do. I'll only be issuing a strike if the problem is serious and blatantly stepping out of line with the guidelines.

With the implementation of the Strike System, this means that everyone (who has access to the HLF) starts fresh - a clean slate. Nothing in the past that you've done will warrant you a strike. From now on, if you step out of line - you will receive a strike.

Here are a list of things that will warrant you a strike;

1) Naming and Shaming

• Posting a thread specifically to name and shame a player or Jagex Moderator because of something they’ve done or didn’t do.
• Commenting on a thread to specifically shame a player or Jagex Moderator because of something they’ve done or didn’t do.
• Indirectly naming and shaming someone (e.g. Referencing a player in a negative light without using his or her name).

If someone has done something wrong or a player has broken the rules, don't post about it on the forums. Simply message me in any way possible (in-game, on the forums, through social networking sites) about the situation and I will get to the bottom of it. There's no need to name and shame a player on the forums.

2) Severe spamming

• Posting the same thing on every thread and not giving any constructive feedback to the topic of discussion (e.g. Player a posts, "Lolno" on 20 threads within the HLF).
• Posting multiple comments that are identical or similar to your original post on the thread (e.g. Player a writes, "REMOVE THE SOF!" 15 times on a thread).
• Posting empty space on a thread (e.g. When you write something at the top of your post, then hit enter 50 times, making the post carry on longer than it should). This clutters the thread, isn't necessary and is considered as spam.
• Quoting someones quote to make a quote box spam. This is unneeded. You can just quote the original source if you agree with what they wrote. If you quote another quote it turns into a large amount of spam. Anyone who participates in the "quote box spam" will receive a strike. If you're quoting someone and having an actual conversation or bringing up a counter-point then it's okay, but simply quoting another quote is unnecessary (this doesn't mean to quote someone and write something short like "yes").

Threads such as, "Get Maxed Post Count" are no longer accepted on the High Level Forums. There's no need to get your post count up and there's no need to spam the forums by doing so.

3) Persistent and intentional trolling, flaming, de-railing or baiting

• Intentionally posting on a thread or replying to someone to hurt their feelings or make them feel bad (It's okay to joke around with people and make a funny remark, but if you're being sarcastic and mean to someone intentionally to hurt their feelings or cause a problem, that's not okay).
• If you bait someone into an argument intentionally.
• If you post on someone's thread to intentionally de-rail it (Talking about something else or not talking about the topic at hand).
• Any form of racist or sexist remarks are not tolerated. The same goes for discussions about other people's religion or sexual orientation. They just lead to giant arguments and flaming will occur.

If someone is trying to bait you into an argument or is purposely trolling you and being a bully - don't fuel the fire. Contact me about the situation and I will get to the bottom of it. If you involve yourself in it you'll only add to and be a part of the problem yourself.

4) Purposely arguing with another player (Arguments that aren't relevant to the topic of discussion and is a fight between players)

• If the thread becomes an argument between two players it is considered de-railing the thread and both players will be spoken to.

Here are the
for strikes;

First strike - A warning.
Second strike - 48 hour forum ban.
Third strike – 6 month removal from the HLF.

If you come back after your third strike and continue to cause trouble and step out of line with the guidelines then you will be permanently removed from the HLF.

If you are to receive a strike, you will be sent a message via your RuneScape inbox telling you that; you received a strike, what the strike was for and what the punishment is for your strike. I will personally be keeping track of; the people who receive a strike, when they received it and what they received it for on a separate document.

After you've received a strike, it will dissolve and be "quashed" after a 6 month time period. It will still be written down and noted that you received a strike on your account, but the punishments will be reset (e.g. If you receive your first strike (penalty of a warning), after 6 months go by without receiving another strike, it will be quashed and the next strike you receive will hold the punishment as if you received your first strike).

The 6 month time period will start the day after you receive a strike. If you receive another strike before 6 months has gone by, the 6 month time period will reset. (e.g. You received a strike on November 12th, 2013. Three months later you receive another strike - the 6 month timer now begins from the day that strike was issued).

Players will automatically lose HLF access upon posting malicious links or inappropriate content (e.g. Pornography) without being given a strike. If you're doing something that's against the law or against the rules you will not be given the chance at a three strike system, you will simply lose your privileges on the spot.

Regarding the HLF IRL Picture thread in the Off Topic section, there will be a
there. If you; post pictures of anyone other than yourself, if you are bullying people or judging people on how they look, or if you're de-railing this thread - you will receive a "strike". This thread was meant for the High Level Community to put a face to a players username. Remember - if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all.

"Screamer" links are not allowed to be posted on the HLF. If you post a "screamer" then you will receive a strike.

Regarding threads about someone being "wrongfully banned", "muted by accident", or anything along those lines will immediately be locked and hidden. Also, the player who posted the thread will receive a strike. Those kind of threads are not welcome here. If there's a problem with someones account, send in a ticket and e-mail account help.

This Strike System is based on common sense. You can have your opinions, good or bad (about updates, Jagex, whatever it may be) but when you only post to; troll other people, argue with people, and bully people to the point where you’re not posting anything constructive or beneficial to the HLF – you should be removed from the forums. I don’t want to see any player receive a strike, but like I said, the guidelines have to be enforced to the point where people understand that they will lose their access for doing something completely out of line, which hasn’t been done for a long time. The HLF is one of the most special sections of the forums that you can have access to. It's a privilege not a right. The HLF has always been a lenient, relaxed and fun environment, and this Strike System isn't being implemented to ruin that environment - it's to keep people from ruining that environment .

12-Nov-2013 19:42:32 - Last edited on 24-Mar-2014 16:15:57 by Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Mod Lee

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
If there are any problems on the HLF, you can post about it on the "HLF Help & Action Center" thread ( QFC: 259-260-535-65534887 ).

When you post on that thread, your post will be automatically hidden and only a J-Mod will be able to see what you've said. That thread serves as the HLF maintenance section for possible problems or forum changes.

12-Nov-2013 19:42:40 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2015 19:54:15 by Mod Lee

Was Zeus

Was Zeus

Posts: 22,388 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

12-Nov-2013 19:48:00

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