===== Section 36: Adventurer Icon Mechanics =====
Special thanks to Balgruuf
First, you will either get 0, 1 or 2 adventurers at reset or adventurer reroll. Build ostentatious bar to give you +8% chance of getting 2 adventurers.
After that, the base chance of each adventurer appearing is 1/X, where X is the number of adventurers you have available PLUS the number of icons built. For every icon built, add +1 to the numerator AND denominator.
=== Example 1 ===
If you build
If 2 adventurers appeared at reset, Memory chance would be:
(11/15) * (10/14) = 110/210
1 - (110/210) =
=== Example 2 ===
If you have 7 adventurers out on 3 duo voyages and 1 single voyage, and with 3 Memory icons built, then it will become (1+3) / (5+3) =
If 2 adventurers appeared at reset, Memory chance would be:
(4/8) * (3/7) = 12/56
1 - (12/56) =
"Available": Adventurers are only available if they are NOT out on a voyage at the moment.
~Portmaster Kags
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6
Special thanks to Balgruuf

First, you will either get 0, 1 or 2 adventurers at reset or adventurer reroll. Build ostentatious bar to give you +8% chance of getting 2 adventurers.
In my experience (with all 12 adventurers unlocked), I get only 1 adventurer 8-10% of the time.
After that, the base chance of each adventurer appearing is 1/X, where X is the number of adventurers you have available PLUS the number of icons built. For every icon built, add +1 to the numerator AND denominator.
=== Example 1 ===
If you build
Memory icons, and have access to all
adventurers "available", then your chance of getting the Memory is (1+
) / (
) =
4/15 (26.7%)
chance of Memory at reset/adventurer reroll -> if only 1 adventurer appeared at reset.
If 2 adventurers appeared at reset, Memory chance would be:
(11/15) * (10/14) = 110/210
1 - (110/210) =
100/210 (47.6%)
(assuming all 12 adventurers are "available"; higher chance if some are not)
=== Example 2 ===
If you have 7 adventurers out on 3 duo voyages and 1 single voyage, and with 3 Memory icons built, then it will become (1+3) / (5+3) =
4/8 (50%)
chance of Memory at reset/adventurer reroll -> if only 1 adventurer appeared at reset.
If 2 adventurers appeared at reset, Memory chance would be:
(4/8) * (3/7) = 12/56
1 - (12/56) =
44/56 (78.6%)
"Available": Adventurers are only available if they are NOT out on a voyage at the moment.
The highest possible chance of getting trio voyage at reset/adv reroll can be achieved with 7 adventurers stuck on ships (3 duo voyages and 1 single voyage). This works out the chance of trio at (6/8)*(4/6) = 24/48 = 1/2 (50% chance of trio voyage at reset or adventurer reroll).
~Portmaster Kags

15-Nov-2017 05:25:30 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2017 00:21:48 by Kags