
Kags' HLF POP Encyclopedia V5

Quick find code: 259-260-720-65832736

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 91: Random Ship Updates 1 =====
When your ships are sailing on voyages in the Eastern Lands, you occasionally receive random updates of the ship's status and happenings in the chatbox. They do NOT actually affect your ship in any way. The messages generally joke about ships, and may include references to other RuneScape activities, other video games, or pop culture.

(Random number) rats were found aboard (ship name) today.

A crew member of (ship name) shot an albatross. Bad move.
- The poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

A labor dispute aboard (ship name) has been resolved with minor industrial action.
- The Spithead and Nore mutinies, during which the Red flag (a former symbol of the British Labor party) was raised by sailors demanding better conditions.

A mermaid has given directions to (ship name).

A small drunk man appeared from nowhere and briefly abducted the captain of (ship name).
- The discontinued drunken dwarf random event.

All the biscuits on (ship name); have been eaten by weevils. All the weevils have been eaten by the crew.
- The British comedy show Red Dwarf.

Due to shipworm, the timbers of (ship name); have been slightly shivered.
- Shiver me timbers!

Nothing interesting happens on your ship (ship name).
- References the in-game message 'Nothing interesting happens.'

One of the crew of (ship name); was a penguin in disguise. It has escaped custody...
- The Penguin quest series and Penguin Hide and Seek.

Pirates attack (ship name), but quick thinking and hijinks save the day!

Pirates boarded (ship name) and decided there wasn't anything worth taking.

Rum supplies are running perilously low on (ship name).
- Sailors used to drink rum and other fermented beverages, as water was not safe to drink, being dirty, salty or both.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:29 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:16:27 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 92: Random Ship Updates 2 =====
Rumors say that (ship name) sank with all hands. These are lies.

Scurvy has been warded off (ship name); by the fortuitous acquisition of a hundred peaches.

Several of the crew of (ship name); have nearly died of dysentery.

Sightings of sea serpents have been reported by the crew of (ship name).

The captain of (ship name) briefly became obsessed with a white whale, but has got over it.
- The novel Moby Dick.

The captain of (ship name) has admitted that he can't swim.

The captain of (ship name) has discovered and charted a new reef. With the ship's keel.

The captain of (ship name) has organized another flogging.

The captain of (ship name) is drunk again.
- The African Queen

The captain of (ship name) is paranoid that someone is stealing his hat while he sleeps.
- The Caine Mutiny

The captain of (ship name) is sober today.

The captain of (ship name) managed to prevent a mutiny by increasing the crew's rations.

The captain of (ship name) noticed some of the crew missing after sailing near a quiet village.

The captain of (ship name) says he saw a giant whale! But no one in the crew believed in him...

The crew of (ship name) are convinced the mogre they caught yesterday is actually a mermaid princess.
- Sailors have been known to mistake manatees for mermaids.

The crew of (ship name) are singing sea shanties...very, very badly.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:34 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:16:49 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 93: Random Ship Updates 3 =====
The crew of (ship name) are swabbing like they've never swabbed before.
- 'Swabbing'; is nautical slang for cleaning; 'swabbing the deck'.

The crew of (ship name) caught a giant talking fish; it flopped overboard before they could stop it.

The crew of (ship name) have become addicted to Braindeath 'rum'.

The crew of (ship name) have begun saying 'Arr!' loudly instead of talking normally.
- 'Arr!' is part of stereotypical pirate speech.

The crew of (ship name) have begun singing bawdy sea shanties.

The crew of (ship name) have repelled an assault by deadly sea cabbages.

The crew of (ship name) is reduced to eating baked beans. There are rumblings in the fo'c'sle.
- Baked beans are known to occasionally cause increased flatulence. The 'fo'c'sle' (or forecastle) is where the head (or toilet) was located on a sailing ship.

The crew of (ship name); let the figurehead park. The damage was minor.

The crew of (ship name); rescued a sailor found floating on some flotsam.

The crew of (ship name); spent the day chasing a squirrel around the hold.

The crew of (ship name); wanted to know how many sailors would fit in the crow's nest at once. The experiment ended badly.

The crew of (ship name); watched in amazement as an island rose out of the sea and floated into the sky.
- A reference to Clan Citadels.

The crew of (ship name); were beguiled by manatees.
- Sailors have been known to mistake manatees for mermaids.

The crew of (ship name); were waylaid because the captain wanted to top up his tan.

The first mate of (ship name) is in the brig after an unfortunate, grog-related incident.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:38 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:17:15 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 94: Random Ship Updates 4 =====
The lookout aboard (ship name) has spent the day yelling 'Marco' out to sea. There has been no response.
- Marco! Polo!

The mast of (ship name) was felled by a stowaway beaver. Luckily, a spare was acquired.

The Void Knights were sure (ship name) was hiding pests and detained the crew. It's now back on course.
- This is a reference to the quest Quiet Before the Swarm.

There has been a birthday party on (ship name) today. (Random number) shipmates were sick.

There was a leak in (ship name)'s hull! Everyone bailed as fast as they could.

There was a leak in (ship name)'s hull! It was quite big, so they stuffed the bo'sun in it.

There was a leak in (ship name)'s hull! It was quite small, so they just put a cork in it.

There was a leak in (ship name)'s hull! They had to break up the lifeboats for wood to repair it.
- The Sea Chase

There was a mutiny on (ship name) over who gets to use the phrase 'shiver me timbers'.

Your crew of (ship name) have confirmed that worse things really do happen at sea.
- 'Worse things happen at sea' is a common proverb meaning that things could be worse than they are.

Your ship (ship name) almost sails off the edge of the world, then remembers Gielinor is a globe.
- For centuries, people believed that the Earth is flat, and that it is possible to sail off the edge.

Your ship (ship name) decided to take the long way home, which curiously takes no additional time.

Your ship (ship name) found Bailey Holmes's locker. Turns out it contains gnomeball equipment that needs a wash.
- Davy Jones' Locker is nautical slang for the bottom of the ocean, or the resting place for sailors drowned at sea.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:44 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:17:41 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 95: Random Ship Updates 5 =====
Your ship (ship name) has become becalmed. The crew have had to eat the cabin boy.
- Possibly a reference to R v Dudley and Stephens, a leading 1884 English criminal case concerning cannibalism.

Your ship (ship name) has been issued a ticket for speeding.

Your ship (ship name) has been threatened with legal action after dropping anchor on a mogre's house.

Your ship (ship name) has defeated a vast socktopus formed out of huge piles of wizards' discarded socks.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a crude goblin ship, drifting while its two captains argue about the course to take.
- Goblin Diplomacy is about two goblin generals incessantly arguing.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a flying squid at sea, and is giving battle!
- A flying squid may be encountered and defeated in Skies of Arcadia.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a Fremennik longboat, and the crew have lost a drinking contest.
- Reference to the Fremennik's drinking contest and drinking stamina.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a ghost ship. The crew is human, but the ship is a ghost. No one's sure how that works.
- A ghost ship is a floating vessel with no living crew aboard.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a large trading vessel, with a finely dressed purple man on board, sipping tea.
- A reference to Solomon's General Store.

Your ship (ship name) has encountered a mysterious ship, which released a kraken.
- In Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Jack Sparrow locates the Flying Dutchman, which subsequently begins unleashing the kraken on ships.

Your ship (ship name) has evaded a ninja monkey ship.

Your ship (ship name) has evaded a pirate ship.

Your ship (ship name) has evaded a zombie pirate ship.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:50 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:18:06 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 96: Random Ship Updates 6 =====
Your ship (ship name) has explored a point on the map marked 'Here Be Dragons'. Nothing interesting happened.

Your ship (ship name) has found an island inhabited by witches who live in the sand. Supplies have been restocked.

Your ship (ship name) has gone wildly off course; the navigator trusted his duties to a parrot.

Your ship (ship name) has had its rations transformed into poisonous fungi, so the crew has summoned giant toads to eat instead.
- Naruto Shippuden

Your ship (ship name) has hitched a ride on a surfacing whale.

Your ship (ship name) has laid in additional supplies of fresh water and fruit.

Your ship (ship name) has managed to avoid a storm near the island home of an exiled sorcerer.
- The Shakespearean play The Tempest.

Your ship (ship name) has passed a sunken island once fabled for its school for adventurers.
- Refers to the now-removed Tutorial Island.

Your ship (ship name) has passed a Void Knight frigate doing battle with an extra-dimensional sea monster.

Your ship (ship name) has passed an island where natives ride on strange beasts like hornless unicorns.
- Refers to the running joke in which horses do not exist in RuneScape.

Your ship (ship name) has passed another in the night.

Your ship (ship name) has passed the Entrana Monks' ferry. Those crew members who could not mind their language were locked below.

Your ship (ship name) has repelled a boarding party of sea imps.

Your ship (ship name) has run out of space in the captain's log.

Your ship (ship name) has sighted strange pylons. The crew are attempting to construct an additional one.

Your ship (ship name) has spent entire minutes lost in fog.

Your ship (ship name) has temporarily run out of ocean.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:12:55 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:18:33 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 97: Random Ship Updates 7 =====
Your ship (ship name) has traded for some yo-yos and a bottle of rum.

Your ship (ship name) has weathered a mild storm.

Your ship (ship name) has wisely stayed out of a battle between a ninja monkey ship and a zombie pirate ship.

Your ship (ship name) is celebrating the captain's birthday. Grog all round!

Your ship (ship name) is going on course. Nothing bad has happened. Promise.

Your ship (ship name) is making good time thanks to a favorable wind.

Your ship (ship name) is trying to outrace dolphins.

Your ship (ship name) managed to avoid some pirates.

Your ship (ship name) spotted smoke signals on a nearby island and went to investigate.

Your ship (ship name) traded for a crate of swordbows. Sadly, a storm has washed them overboard.

Your ship (ship name) was briefly abducted by a random event.

Your ship (ship name) was delayed when the helmsman fell asleep while turning starboard and sailed in circles all night.

Your ship (ship name) was double-parked in port last night.

Your ship (ship name) was painted in rainbow colors and is now 20% cooler.

Your ship (ship name) went off course when the helmsman sailed around Dragontooth Island three times.

Your ship (ship name) sighting of the Kalphite Queen turned out to be a weevil on the telescope.

Your ship (ship name) has run out of rum. In desperation, the crew has turned to drinking water.

~Portmaster Kags :)
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:18:54 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:20:12 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 98: Update Summary 1: Ports V1 =====
===== Player-Owned Ports =====
Take ownership of your very own port town, accessed via a portal at the north end of Port Sarim. The place has seen better days, but - after a chat with worldly entrepreneur John Strum - you'll soon have it up and running as a bustling, ever-evolving hub of commerce, sending ships to explore, do battle and find exotic treasures in the Eastern Lands.

=== 6 Different Adventurers ===
- Fishing: The Whaler: A boisterous whaler with scant regard for personal space, who's dedicated his life to sparring with Shuma: a legendary white whale.
- Herblore: The Biologist: A biologist from Varrock Museum who is keen to study the sea orphans in their "natural habitat".
- Prayer: The Missionary: A missionary of Saradomin, and seeks to build a church in the Eastern Lands.
- Runecrafting: The Occultist: A classy occultist looking to dispel an insidious curse of her own immortality.
- Slayer: The Assassin: An 18 year old former Death Lotus Assassin who seeks to kill Baby Tooth and Quin.
- Thieving: The Convict: A thief on the run from the father of his deceased ex-girlfriend.

=== 6 Regions to Explore ===
- The Arc
- The Skull
- The Hook
- The Scythe
- The Bowl
- The Pincers

=== Rewards ===
Level 85 headgear, top, and bottom in:
Melee: Tetsu armor
Ranged: Death Lotus gear
Magic: Seasinger robes
There are superior versions of the armor, which are non-tradeable, do not degrade to dust, and have superior stats.

Best in game food: Rocktail Soup
New Equipment Slot: Pocket, to hold scrimshaws which have a wide range of combat and skilling benefits

The 6 Initial Adventurers:

Customizing your Captains:

Player-Owned Ports Ahoy! Music by Jagex Staff:

~Portmaster Kags :D
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:18:59 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:20:50 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 99: Update Summary 2: Ports V2 =====
===== Player-Owned Ports - The Next Journey =====
=== 3 New Adventurers ===
- Construction: The Architect: A serene, well-spoken lady who's looking to complement her earthquake-proofing methods with western building techniques.
- Cooking: The Chef: An errant gastronome with a penchant for experimental - and potentially toxic - seasoning.
- Hunter: The Trapper: This mightily mustachioed big-game hunter loves tracking wild beasts - almost as much he loves polishing Ol' Bessie: his beloved cannon.

=== 2 New Regions ===
The Loop
The Shield

=== 3 New Rewards ===
- Reefwalker's Cape (level 85 Defence and Constitution required): A cape for all combat styles. The standard version degrades until it's destroyed, but is tradeable. The superior version, whose repairability and improved stats are matched by its increased cost and untradeable. For armor and life point bonuses in particular, the Superior Reefwalker's Cape is best-in-slot.
- Leviathan Ring (level 85 Defence and Constitution required): A ring offering a 2 or 5% chance (dependent on version) to halve the damage of attacks made against its wearer, plus hearty critical-chance boosts for all styles of combat. The standard version of the ring degrades until it's destroyed, and is tradeable; while the superior version has better stats and can be repaired when fully degraded, but costs more to craft and maintain and is untradeable.
- Death Lotus Darts (level 85 Ranging required): Thrown weapons round out the ranged roster nicely. Make them with level 92 Fletching, Ancient Bones and ascension shards.

The 3 New Adventurers:

~Portmaster Kags :D
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:19:03 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:21:33 by Kags

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 20,295 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
===== Section 100: Update Summary 3: Ports V3 =====
===== Ports - Guardians of the World =====
=== 3 New Adventurers ===
- Agility: The Tengu: A living mask controlling a willing host - not to mention a brave vanquisher of evil.
- Divination: The Memory: A young girl made entirely of divination energy, and whose first concern is not being harvested!
- Dungeoneering: The Exile: An exiled Gorajo weighed down by guilt, and searching the Eastern Lands for her brother.

Send voyages and edit shipyard without going to your port (except story voyages)!
A few voyages are longer than the current length.

=== Clue Voyages ===
Cryptic pointers to hidden islands that, once found, gives:
- +10% Stat boosts
- Captain's trait removal
- Tengu cosmetic gear

=== New Fishing Scrimshaws ===
Whopper-Baiting - XP boost like Log-splitting/Rock-crushing
Casket-Salvaging - salvages caskets while fishing (has 3 tiers) - includes trade goods

=== Level 85 Magic & Melee Dual-Wield Weapons ===
Magic: Seasinger Wand & Seasinger Orb: 150 Chi Globes + 75 Koi Scales + 2 Gemstone Kaseki
Melee: Tetsu Katana & Tetsu Wakizashi: 150 Plate + 75 Pearls + 2 Tengu Tsuba

=== New Building Upgrades ===
Terracotta Portal: 20,000 Terracotta
Azure (Legendary) Portal: 25,000 Azure
1 Terracotta & many Azure Building Upgrades
New Azure Lodgings
New Azure Shipwright Buildings can improve your success chance on voyages

The 3 New Adventurers:

~Portmaster Kags :D
Kags Player Owned Ports (POP) Encyclopedia V6

16-Sep-2016 19:19:08 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2023 05:23:18 by Kags

Quick find code: 259-260-720-65832736 Back to Top