
comp req suggestion-group boss

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Glaucon said :
See that's what I mean it doesn't fit lorewise

My bad, thought you were saying "removing reaper from comp doesn't make sense lore wise" not "remove reaper because it doesn't make sense lore wise"
[qfc id= 373-374-110-66042164]Support the small QoL updates[/qfc] Ever feel like you have a person who won't leave you alone even if you've asked many times?

06-Jun-2018 16:08:08

Jun Member 2007


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Weekend fun said :
I personally think all group bosses should be moved to trimmed req, so you can get normal Comp without relying on others.
regular comp should still have the req to kill solo bosses (telos as my example). over all normal comp should be based on what you do as a solo player, where trim is the above and beyond cape.
Every argument for the normal Comp cape applies to Trim too.

Group PvM should be removed from both, period. Group PvM is only really for people in PvM clans; it is basically as 'exclusive' as things like 1000% Telos and Hard Mode Vorago and the Final Boss title are meant to be.

I think a suitable compromise is to insist that regular comp requires all regular mode PvM encounters that are soloable at their intended difficulty (100% Telos, Fight Kiln, 0% Araxxor, Gwd2 normal modes etc) by people with near-top end soloably-obtainable gear (ie not Achto) as well as such abilities and prayers (so Reprisal, Bladed Dive but not the t99 Prayers).

Trim then just requires all abilities, all prayers and all soloable PvM encounters (using solo gear, so still not Achto) that aren't meant for 1% PvMers, including hard modes, so adding in the GWD2 challenge modes (but not Warden, as that devalues what's meant to be a hard PvM feat). Maybe also require a boss pet and a skill pet to show a commitment to PvMing. Ofc no ability or prayer should then be locked behind group-only content.

There is a bigger issue at hand though, which is that Jagex keeps pushing content that isn't for their general game audience. AoD and Solak appeal to a very niche crowd: one their developer "happens" to represent but that polls show is a very small minority. And then they insist it be done by everyone to earn back the capes they spent thousands of hours on (again, Trim, not just Comp).

07-Jun-2018 13:23:56

Nov Member 2011


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It’s just a viscous cuckhold circle jerk.

Elitist pvm groups won’t take casual/mediocre pvmers to help them learn because they don’t have access to top tier gear.

Only efficient way to get said top tier gear is either grind lower levelled bosses until we can afford the gear, or god forbid - buy gp. Please keep in mind I’m not condoning this as a viable option.

I can’t afford the time to grind bosses as I work full time now as opposed to when I started in 2005 when I could afford the time to do that. So I’m therefore locked behind content like Solak because I don’t have the gear or time to invest.

So what’s my option to get my comp cape back? Buy a leech? Even still that’s locked behind the guys who can charge ridiculous amounts for that leech.

09-Jun-2018 05:38:05

ComeAtMe Bro
Dec Member 2011

ComeAtMe Bro

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i think reaper should be removed just to get rid of the leeching kills business, the whole idea of new bosses are to make money (or obtain for yourself) off the new items that come with the boss, not sell leeches and make more money then you could potentially get from the drop itself.

something needs to be done to stop leeching services and removing reaper or at least group pvm from comp cape is a good move.

10-Jun-2018 18:51:31

I AM Alex
Oct Member 2020

I AM Alex

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I really support to remove reaper from comp, either completely or at the very least the group bosses.

The strongest reasons I personally see for that are:

1) not everyone has the same skill level and the physical or psychological ability (multi-tasking and very fast reactions while staying calm and focused) to beat these bosses, which are deliberatly designed to get more difficult from boss release to boss release, and which are meant to be a challenge for people who are very experienced and more talented/faster in reactions than the average player (including tick manipulation, having everything maxed out gear wise and so on)

2) not everyone is in or wants to be part of a pvm clan and/or has a huge circle of friends who are experienced enough in pvm to beat these bosses with their ever-increasing difficulty, and it can be extremely difficult to find someone or a team which would be ok with practicing and dying multiple times - possibly for hours and hours - to get enough experience to actually make a kill

3) leeching services, which are contradicting the spirit of the completionist cape and charge ridiculous prices, so that players who suffer from condition 1 and/or 2 literally get robbed, while certain ppl exploiting the situation make insane amounts of money - and all just to meet 1 or a few of many requirements, to earn the cape (or for earning it back)

4) the attitude certain people develope towards players who are less talented or fortunate, and the self-entitling comments like "git gud" "if you can't beat it you don't deserve comp" and so on, are so toxic and seem to be fueled by pure jealousy and the desire to feel high and mighty by looking down on people, and in many cases also by greed, since I suspect that the majority of people commenting in that way are in some way involved in "leeching services".

5) Placing the cape out of reach for the vast majority of players is very demotivating for many and splits the community (furthers elitism)

20-Jun-2018 21:44:42

I AM Alex
Oct Member 2020

I AM Alex

Posts: 1,025 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Comp cape should be harder I don't mind removing reaper and making warden title or silver warden title a comp req.

May I ask why you feel that way?

If warden or silver warden is something you can and want to go for, then that's your achievement and you can surely get a sense of satisfaction from that, even without locking others out of the major milestone cape, who might not able to do that.

I'm getting a little bit philosophical now, but in a way, the desire to feel powerful by comparing yourself to others who are in a less fortunate position and even actively making them miss out seems to be very predominant in our current time (and game), but that kind of ego inflation comes with a high price (see constant player loss over the years as a quantitative result of a qualitative loss, mostly in spirit and not only in game updates) and it completely misses the alternative reality, based on good will, and in which people are dealing respectfully with each other and differences in skill are tolerable and all have a good time with and not against each other...

If you want to show off your achievements there are titles and qc and such things, but there is no need to limit the goals and gaming experience of many, so that a few can feel extra-superior by making the rest miss out on their goals and achievements.

20-Jun-2018 22:42:04 - Last edited on 21-Jun-2018 00:37:28 by I AM Alex

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