Verdant Star
Hey, nice list, very well done, and nice progress too!
However, it appears you forgot some completable and non-repeatable things? Like max dominion factor, max castle wars games, max kill count prestiges, etc? I have carefully checked your guidelines and these appear to conform. Please confirm my evaluation so you may add these requirements and update the completion percentages for all ranked players.
BTW I either didn't see it or was blind - shouldn;t golem outfit and the master etheral robes be on the list since, technically, you can now get them through gameplay?
Content introduced from micro-transactions will not be added.
Verdant Star
Hey, nice list, very well done, and nice progress too!
However, it appears you forgot some completable and non-repeatable things? Like max dominion factor, max castle wars games, max kill count prestiges, etc? I have carefully checked your guidelines and these appear to conform. Please confirm my evaluation so you may add these requirements and update the completion percentages for all ranked players.
There are no requirements that are like "max this for the sake of maxing it" as far as i am aware.
I have obtained and dropped various things (like big fish, imcando pick, warpriest), can I tick these off as well?
It's really skewed because I don't have any 200m skills, it would be fairer if all 200m's was current total xp/5.4b instead.
I'm going to change the max experience section so you can enter how many millions of xp you have. And yea I suppose you could consider those done because you had them at some point and you could have also lost them on accident.
True Trim Hiscores
My Personal Achievements
| True Trimmed December 16th, 2016
I'm still not sure if I'm going to remove the item requirements or not. It's a really hard decision because some people view true trim as more than just completables, but others think it should only include completables. I may also have to add a rule for not including completable (in theory) max number caps such as dominion tower and castle wars scores.
True Trim Hiscores
My Personal Achievements
| True Trimmed December 16th, 2016
Honestly, to feel fully accomplished shouldn't you have obtained/unlocked maximum potential for combat? So this would obviously include every ability unlocked and available to use, and having maximum potential gear for every equipment slot?
So as it stands right now, you'd fully augmented t92 2h weapons, fully augmented t90 Dual wield weapons, fully augmented achto, fully augmented t90 power armor, and fully augmented shields for every style?
It would also include any and every skilling outfit that grants any sort of increase to exp/hr of any skill. So this would include MTX outfits. Considering they're obtainable through in-game purchaseble bonds, and soon will be fully available through more simple gameplay mechanics, I see no reason why they shouldn't be included.
You shouldn't feel totally done with the game until literally the only difference between you and the absolute best player in a respective area is simple player skill. You personally may not be able to compete at the level of the biggests pros in the game, but you have no excuse for not being able to prepare with them.
Verdant Star
Hey, nice list, very well done, and nice progress too!
However, it appears you forgot some completable and non-repeatable things? Like max dominion factor, max castle wars games, max kill count prestiges, etc? I have carefully checked your guidelines and these appear to conform. Please confirm my evaluation so you may add these requirements and update the completion percentages for all ranked players.
Capping max highscores doesn't unlock anything. Only reason 200m's are included are for 1 time broadcasts/gold trim around skill icon. Max prestiges for kc is impossible, and never-ending. Max dominion, is possible, and only done by 1 player so far, but unlocks absolutely nothing. And there is also no [known] cap for Castle Wars. Let me know if I'm missing something.
My True Trim List
BTW I either didn't see it or was blind - shouldn;t golem outfit and the master etheral robes be on the list since, technically, you can now get them through gameplay?
Content introduced from micro-transactions will not be added.
Awww. I was hoping it would be an exception since you only have to skill for them.
But I do understand
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.