1. Araxxor: The Acidic Spiders which spawn in Phase 3, if Path 2 is open and avoided, should be able to be lured from Distance while useing Range or Mage.
2. Araxxor: These Acidic Spiders should spawn faster - better would be if they would spawn all at once so that you can lure them all at once into Araxxor.
3. Super Antifires should be tradeable in the GE as they are not Extreme Potions.
4. There should be a Range alternative for Dragonbreath. I hate using Snipe, as it takes ages and building Adrenaline is much harder than with Mage because of that.
5. If a Treshold is queued in while using Snipe. Snipe should finish its damaging hit before the Treshold is used while using Revolution. So anoying to see that Snipe does ZERO Damage because of that.
6. Buff Range that is comparable to Mage. Range with a Bow is currently really bad in Comparison to Mage with a 2h Staff...
7. Often the glitch appears that while having already an ability queued in while using another manually and therefore queueing a second in that the second one gets used but the first one is still queued in which should not be queued in anymore.
8. Shieldstaffs would be a gread Addition to the Game aswell. They are shieldbows. And it is annoying to automatically run in the Meele Distance while switiching from a 2h Mage Staff to a shield for a quick Reso Heal.
9. While investigating a Players Gear it should show the Perks which are on the Gear.
10. It should be possible to investigate other Players inventorys aswell as their gear.
11. Clue Puzzles should be autocomplished if you have them for like 10 Times. There is no point in doing them again except wasting time, as you have proven already that you are able to solve them...
12. The Double Agent to fight should be removed from Clues after completing the quest "You are it".
22-Oct-2018 10:50:57
- Last edited on
22-Oct-2018 11:14:35