Yes, i spent over 3 months in the finish guild back in 2007 fishing sharks to earn the 70-80M asking price of a purple back then, also had multiple santa's when they ranged from 15-30M...
Sold to fund my herblore and prayer as the hats were 'useless'...derpa.
I remember buying a Green a few years ago when it was 1.8B... then the following week it jumped to 2.1B and I decided to sell it thinking it would drop. Two weeks after that it was 4B and I've never managed to get one back since... but doesn't really worry me anyway, because partyhats are over hyped and over priced junk.
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Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
On RS3, not until the golden one (and honestly, I wish I didn't get it, the event was atrocious). I had someone lend me theirs for a few hours way back when I was still a relatively low level (I only recently got to the point where my skills started spiking despite playing the game for over 17 years) and I still remember several people asking me how such a noob had a phat.
I doubt I'll ever own one other than the golden one, sadly, as I'm not great at making money, but I'd love to own any of the other colors.
But of course, I have owned many of them on OSRS.
Jaekob Caed
: Scribe, Scholar and Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven ~