Air Talismans are listed on the Wiki as being a common drop from goblins.
Keep in mind my character is an Ironman and I can't buy an Air Talisman. I do know there are other ways to get them, but I figured I needed some combat levels anyway so I figured I could get one from a goblin in a relatively short time since it is listed as a common drop, I was wrong.
I was figuring with the Air talisman being listed on the Wiki as a common drop, maybe needing to do 100 goblin kills, not having to kill possibly multiple hundreds if not thousands of goblins to get an Air Talisman as a drop, or to not get one at all after 25 ranged levels, at which point I can no longer consider a drop to be common if I haven't got one in that many levels.
I don't understand how an item can be called a common drop when I can go from level 2 to level 27 ranged killing level 2 and level 4 Goblins in Port Sarim and not get a single Air Talisman as a drop.
Brass necklace is listed as uncommon and I got several of them.
Goblin book is listed as uncommon and I got several of them.
So I would expect if I am getting multiple uncommon items, I should have gotten many more of what is listed as a common drop item. How am I getting more uncommon drops than what is supposed to be a common drop?
Now I realize which goblins you kill makes a difference on what they drop, but seriously, 25 ranged levels and not a single supposedly common Air Talisman drop?
I would call a drop rate that low at least uncommon, if not rare, compared to the other drops I got from the goblins around Port Sarim.
I'm starting to think the goblins in Port Sarim don't drop Air talismans at all, or else they are a rare drop and not a common drop as the Wiki says.
What do you think?
23-Jan-2017 00:36:23