finished unholy book, got range pots, and finally stams. the ingredient for herb boost pie is a cunt to get tho was only able to make 350 stams. but it should make all the big quests i gotta do so much better. and i can rc
Old School
3rd time thru it. this was the highest level acc ive had do it. only failed the shit airship part once, and the boss fights werent bad with just a crystal bow
gorillas are harder to kill with 45 def and no blowpipe. but i guess it doesnt matter if im lucky. lol
Old School
that zenyte makes me so fking angry lmfao I've been farming gorillas on-task for several days now (because I can't stand more than 2-3 trips per day) and have gotten absolutely fking nothing
2 light frames in under 100KC, which are both 2.5x drop rate of zenyte
fuck my entire life, right?
220 KC no zenyte
st Mas
Max: 28 Jan 2018 | MQC: 9 Aug 2019 | Comp: 18 Oct 2019
didnt get a 3rd one on that task. can make tormented brace or torture yet anyway. things are gunna slow down a ton for me now since im finally starting work again soon. will be lots of skilling coming up now too
Old School
really going ez scape for irons in these polls now. crafting might be my next 99. already have 95 banked in seaweed and its really fast to grow. getting sandstone will be so much faster than the 100k buckets of sand lol
Old School